Most silences are deserved

I dont think people understand. You can’t sit there calling out your teammates and blaming people. That is toxicity. Even if you think your team is bad, bite your tongue because there’s no excuse for harassing other players. Being “passionate” is not an excuse to be toxic. I say this as someone who has been silenced before. You might be frustrated but you need to be able to take a step back and avoid being rude to your teammates. It’s easy to forget there are real people on the other side of the screen. But try to remember.


Who cares when the Nexus itself is going to be silenced.


Deserved? I guess.
Being a useful tool to reduce toxicity? Nope.

Silences are a last resort exception and no solution.
They need to connect good behaviour to rewards like more XP, etc.
Gamers will be gamers, it’s in their nature to chase rewards.

Right now people are just spamming and abusing the report-functions in hopes that the user in question has something bad in their account-history so the GM can’t unban him.
“Oh, I see you called XxxXElite_GrieferXxxX a “doofus” in game #238. I’m sorry to inform you that we can’t lift the silence.”


its in all cooperative games some people are not good losers :smiley:
Some of taht reports are deserved and wierdest thing are people who dont mute toxic players

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You missed the issue entirely.

The system is broken, not because these toxic, foul mouthed people get silenced. But because you get silenced for absolutely anything.

  • Pick a hero X player doesnt like… reported
  • Ask the Malth that’s died 11 times in 20 mins to please wait for the tank… reported.
  • Ask the Sonya to clear a camp… reported.
  • Ask someone is they want a hug? - reported…

just a tool that pathetic people use for petty revenge. most blizzard games have just devolved into a 3rd grade recess where everyone is “telling teacher” on everyone else


there’s no need for rewards for things that can be expected of anyone above 10 yrs
you also want some candy for lacing your shoes or what? good boy. well done sweetheart.


That’s a funny joke and all, cause you’re pointing out how grown up you are.
Very original.

Anyway, your exceptionally intelligent joke aside, there is a need to reduce toxicity in the game as it does interfere with normal gameplay, regularly turning matches into flamewars between teammates.

Chasing rewards is what gamers do.
Theres a system in Overwatch that isnt tied to rewards, yet it is already super effective.
It’s just a number going up and down.
Gamers will be gamers.


Someone would tell you an advice that could help you to get ouf of bronze but you report him for toxicity and keep being your own parody. You are a really good example for this :smiley:

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This is one of HailFail’s best posts. No you cannot get banned for asking people to do a camp or wait for the tank…unless you were toxic about it if they failed to follow your call.

The system works because a majority of your own team has to find you toxic enough to report AND this has to be repeated several times by other teams you are on. So only someone who is truly toxic, someone who has been reported by multiple people over multiple games, can be banned. This is why neither I, or anyone I know has ever been banned or silenced for toxicity.

One of the people I play with is a horrible player. She often uses ults at the wrong time, and can’t stutter-step at all. Yet she’s never been banned or silenced. So if just being bad could get you banned or silenced, then she’d be banned for sure.


Damn, the infamous HailFall returned?

Or am i confusing his name with that of the actual infamous troll?


You have absolutely know data or way of knowing whether or not this is true or false. Your post is a silly opinion based on nothing.

People have been falsely silenced before.

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The question is not whether it is deserved the question is whether it is worth banning half the playerbase because some snowflakes like you can’t handle it

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I always found it ridiculous that they include a filter but still ban people for saying ‘bad’ words. If it bothers you that much filter it out…

But hey, it’s just another example of people needing ‘mommy’ to hold their hand these days. No doubt the same people crying about lack of players & long que times.


This is an important point.

There comes a point where pragmatism needs to kick in and we need to analyze if the thing we do is getting the result we want.

Shouldn’t do and expected behavior are nice and all but that’s just the end goal. Getting there is the problem we’re trying to solve and clearly the punishment system with vague definitions aren’t working.

I expect most silences were deserved, however it’s moot if the person doesn’t understand why they are silenced. They can’t change their behavior if they don’t know what parts are wrong.

Was it the time they went on a racist tirade?
Or the time they had a heated back and forth with their support player positioning too far forward?
Or when they said. “Artanis wtf are you doing? go soak already!”

Rules don’t take many “wrong” results before people disregard them. That part is human nature.


Yeah that’s false. I was silenced before? Yes.
What did I do? Disabled chat, thus obviously limited myself to communicate my own moves to my team aka “Im heading here, im going on this enemy, im out of mana, x hero is missing…” all that only done by pinging.
Even with that I still got my account suspended again for “Communication abuse”

Get it over your minds, at least now that the game is finally left in maintence mode. There are toxic players? yes, but the report system is also flawed here. I even got reported once by a guy from the oposite team for beating him, as he then whispered me saying “Get cancer and die” and when I wanted to reply simply “lol” I was already being “ignored” by him.

The stacking reports system is awful in the way it was implemented here, if it was at least like in Dota 2, that for one you have staff that actually checks the reports, and for another, people only get 3 reports x week that basically prevent players from machinegunning reports left to right, then it would be a fair call. But no, here it was an all hell breaks loose situation, and that did hurt the playerbase.


Most of the time people dont say what the team did wrong. They just fling anything they can think of to hurt their team. Yes it sounds a weird as it reads.

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Fully agreed.
I think the system is half complete. The next step would be to discover how to help.
In real life, you have a coach reacting if there is an issue with a player or the team. Timeout, replacement, benching, holiday.

As for help. Maybe a friendly reminder that there is an AI mode to let off the steam, or that you could enjoy a short break. A short compilation by streamers admitting the same. A random Hots Moments video. Offering a quest, Kid’s style, that’s fairly simple. Suggesting a different hero.

not when most are because you were reported for telling someone to join the team when doing objective, the report/silence system is a joke and should be upright removed until they can find a way to differentiate false reports from real reports


I see a lot of people being rude in chat, from personal insults to conveying useful information in an insulting way. All it shows is that you can’t control yourself and are a pain to be grouped with.

For example there’s currently a shortage of tanks in QM, so shorter queue times and bonus XP may compel players to pick a role they are less familiar with. Even if your tank does a sub-par job, why point it out? I constantly see people write not advice, but criticism. “Our tank sucks”, “Hero_name is so bad”, “X deaths, gj, Hero_name”.