Okay guys, I just had the weirdest (and funniest) game in a while.
QM, Cursed Hollow
Anduin (me), Hanzo, Zuljin, Chogall
Kharazim, Jaina, Lunara, Tassadar, Muradin
I have never seen before how you can literally 5 mins go 5v5 mid. I know I have tendency to exaggerate, but this time I am not. Both teams did nothing for 5 mins except 5v5 headbutt mid.
I pinged lanes (and typed in chat) repeatedly, but nobody even tried. People died every now and then – no problem, mount up, go mid, continue. Yes, on both teams. Eventually (and right as the second tribute spawned), we got mid fort and pushed a bit, but after CG died 2 times in a row, they considered their life choices and went somewhere else.
The rest of the match went similarly odd. Our Hanzo was the most aggressive I have ever seen, using his trait to jump into 5 people to get some damage in. Cho – I am sure – deactivated health bars, otherwise he would not have run into the enemy team all the time while at 20%. On the other hand, he was never alone, as Hanzo and Zuljin were more than happy to join, as apparently they were unaware of the concept of clicking away from the enemy.
Highlight (and nail in the coffin) was the Tassadar that tried to steal our boss. How did he do it? Throw a psionic storm, float onto the point with Dimensional Shift, then throw Force Wall – which he completely misplaced and locked himself in with all of us while locking his own team out. Thank you Tassadar, I know you are out there.
Reminded me of this Carbot here (watch the very end / outro): HeroStorm Ep 45 Knives to See You - YouTube
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To my honest surprise it was a win, which I did not expect from the first minutes. Easy MVP for me with 0 death while everyone else went with 5+.
THIS is why I play QM.