More Bannable offenses

Please make pre stacking, so joining together in a group of 2 or 3 or 4 to join QM and this is a SERIOUS problem. my friends don’t play this game, they think its an “imbalanced piece of crap” and it realistically is but for QM solo que players PLEASE stop making me go against 3 and 4 and 5 stacks or make it a perma bannable offense.

Making it a perma bannable offense seems like a harsh penalty but its one that I feel is needed. QM and similar game modes should be a STRICT 50/50 with 5 random players against 5 random players. Think of it like this, imagine you have 2 football teams. The first team has 15 players who are ALL football players. They work out, they practice they do everything to involve themselves with the game of football. Now look at the 2nd team, this team is composed of 5 football players, 2 doctors, 3 carptenters, a veterinarian 2 mechanics and 2 bakers…OBVIOUSLY the team composed of ALL football players is going to beat the 2nd team hands down and this is what its like to run into this in QM. The 50/50 is now a 90/10 in the premades favor and just makes me want to uninstall the game


So you’re saying I shouldn’t be allowed to play with my friends because of your skill issue?


quite sure, it would still be imbalanced with a real soloqueue

Partying with friends

Touch grass and talk with Copernicus.

People are allowed to team up with whoever they want. Premades only becomes a problem when the mmr difference of the two teams are too big cause the premade is a full team of 3k mmr players with 90% winrate.

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simple fix on this, instead of average mmr, if premade => queue at max mmr amond premades

Current system:

Premade mmr average < solos average mmr. To compensate.

Problematic premades (minority) abuse this by Smurfing (the real issue).
Friends and genuine newbs who queue together for safety, should not be punished by “max mmr” matching, because it damages the community, which was always too focused on solo queueing in a team game…

Tho I would add your suggestion to Ranked, in QM, I’d just give an increased mmr climb, so they get better, harder enemies faster, making it harder to abuse the current system for easy wins.

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Relax kid and just go to Dota 2 :laughing:

This game has been dead for like 3-4 years in terms of player matchmaking, it’s always had problems with it. And now it’s like watching a circus and performing in it without an audience, because that’s one of the main reasons why all the players left it

Don’t argue with local olds :skull: who can’t remember when they last played Hots, they only sit on the forum and don’t have any knowledge you need.

You can see it all yourself :smile:

I agree with the fact the problem exists but this solution is just not it, the fundamental imbalance between solo and teams in QM is due to the fact the team can pick their comp whereas the solo queuers have a semi random comp, all other advantages teams may have are technically attainable while solo queueing so those I don’t feel need to be addressed.

While theoretically there is probably a good solution to this out there that would be possible for the current developers of the game to accomplish the only ones I currently can think of would essentially require overhauling the gamemode, which is likely never going to happen.

Only thing I see is a emojie kid who still visit the same forums he hate. Just go back to Fortnite where you belong and let people who enjoy this game in peace.


Lol especially funny to hear this from you with a streaky avatar and 14 thousand posts :smile:
Hey you relax too bro, I’ve been playing Dota for a long time and I’m only suggesting normal people do the same instead of socializing here with people like you :skull:

I mean, I made the exmaple quite obvious. A coordinated team on Disc or whatever will ALWAYS win against a group of 5 random strangers. That isn’t a hard thing to understand…I mean it might be because you’re toxic and the whole “Ur bad” response should be an immediate flag for silence or perma silence since there is just MORE toxicity behind it

Again, sounds much more like a skill issue.

I’ve beaten a team of 5 on numerous occasions, even smurfs. A bad and uncoordinated team is going to be bad regardless of whether they’re playing against a team or randoms.

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QM seems as fair as it’s going to be right now. I think your post has some merit, but team up with people or accept it as the mode that it is.

Yes, always go with this in any scenario. This is what you need to survive the zombie apocalypse, much less a HOTS game.

Honored elders, thank you very much!

The thing is, I don’t disagree with some of the points the OP made. In an ideal situation, separate queues for groups and solo players would be in place. Having said that, I’m not sure if there were ever enough active players to support two queues, even in QM, but I would feel confident to posit there aren’t enough active players to support it now.

What you often miss when you’re making your snide comments about “local olds”, is your tendency to ignore where posters agree with complaints, and conveniently pretend that Hots isn’t a shelved title with very little development, and a declining player base.

Being pragmatic and accepting the reality of where Hots has been for years, isn’t an endorsement of these problems. Also, I still play Hots far too much, but keep up your fiction that anyone with a high post count doesn’t play Hots, even though people like Sami, share current replays and clips multiple times a week.

Speaking of, I’ve never seen you share a screenshot, replay, or anything to suggest you actually play Hots at all, but I wouldn’t accuse you of not playing Hots, simply because you haven’t provided proof.

When the playerbase is low, sometimes the Lakers get to play East Tennessee Women’s team. Ah well

LoL, comparing organized teams that play in structured competitions to an open matchmaker that you can queue into at any time. The high IQ analogies we all need.


The engine tries to match parties against other parties. It always has done so. However, due to the decline in player population the matching has become more loose over the years so that QM match making times are kept “quick”. If it cannot find a reasonably suitable party of equal size to match against, it falls back to matching against a team of different sized parties or even just random people. If it did not do this, the parties might not find a match in a reasonable time, possibly taking as much as an hour to find a match like some old forum complaints mentioned. These complaints might not be visible anymore since the move to the new forum structure.

This is not just limited to parties, but also to skill. It can start to match extremely different skill levels to try and keep the match making time of the extreme skilled players low.

If you want more fair matches, try ranked. Ranked is much more strict with its match making policies to the point that some people in some regions have difficulties finding matches at low traffic times.


Who says the teams in my simple example are both organized?

High IQ people don’t flex their IQ.

Sincerely, 138 IQ user.