Morales is my highest wr hero ama

What do you do when your teammates do not soak or clear camps, and also don’t respond to your pings asking them to do so?

Just keep pinging and reminding once in awhile, but not spamming. You will see people missing a wave or two quite often, but people will rarely keep ignoring soak or camps if reminded. If you keep concentrating on what other people are doing, you aren’t concentrating on where you can bring the most value. So, just support your team the best you can. I find the people who fixate on soaking are not focusing their energies where they actually can best contribute. It’s an important factor when you’re playing non healers, it’s not when you’re playing Morales.

There are many times where I’m a little annoyed at loss of soak or camp, but because I’m healing so well, we’re dominating wherever we are, so it doesn’t really matter. One of the biggest things that non healers suck at when playing healers is not having that mindset. This is even more true with Morales because she is terrible at solo laning. Just embrace your strengths and know that if your team is not present somewhere on the map, you should be stronger where you are currently at.

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More often than not you can start camp and an assassin will make there way to you quickly. If they dont you just have to leave. Its a minor nuisance. Camps aren’t so big a deal that you should be off on your lonesome trying to force team to do them. Assassins will make their way over if its like alterac/volskaya camps.

Morales can pick up a wave. Just remember that if you’re alone enemies will hone in on you. Big difference between soaking and picking up a wave. I can often grab a wave as it crashes, toss a grenade to speed things up, then rejoin team. If i wait and am dueling anyone over the next wave im just trolling. If their healer is doing it too then its not a big deal (bc you’re both trolling lol). If im trying to soak waves against anything else im just screwing over my team.

Have you ever stimmed alexstraza in dragon form? If not, your missing out. :stuck_out_tongue:

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