Mirror heroes back in QM?

Why though? Matches with mirrored heroes are very wacky, in my opinion.


Because the game doesn’t have enough players to support no mirror matches


The rule is that it will try to not make mirror matches, unless there is a massive number of people playing a particular hero at the same time. So new heroes tend to end up with mirrors when they are released for various lengths of time.

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It’s more than new heroes though. I don’t even own malganis or orphea but every match is a mirror now since malganis release. I’m sick of it. No doubt it’s related to player population, but I don’t see them running any promotions to bring in new players.

Well it sure did for pretty much the majority of this entire year until Orphea released and now it doesn’t somehow?

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I had a mirror match TLV, I didn’t know TLV was played by more than like 10 people.

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Nope, this has been happening since Mal’Ganis back in October…

Quite obvious the playerbase has declined to a level where Blizzard is forced to remove the no-mirror-matchup rule


It felt pretty rare even in October.

Now it’s 9 out of 10 games, with multiple mirrored heroes, not just Orphea.

obscure hero roles like that have more of a chance.

If you play medivh or aba, you will likely see a medivh or aba on the other team every game.

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i have aba on lvl 108. never had a mirror game for a very long time (cant even remember the last time that happened) today i had 3 aba mirror games sooooo i guess they did something.


Usually when I played aba it would put me vs medivh/zarya/tass stuff like that, never a mirror aba match

Mirror matches have nothing to do with lack of players, trust me if you play enough you experienced patches where mirrors have never existed. It’s just some random blizzard decision to mess with sh*t.

Mirror matches are cancer and need to be disabled which is just a matter of a click to a patch.


What’s sliding the psi blade up my nerve cord is something has happened and the Devs won’t say anything about it. It’s like “what are they trying to hide now?” I guess they need time to make up something to gaslight us making it seem like this is how it’s always been or this is something we’ve been asking for.(shrugs)
Sorry …I’m starting to feel the jadedness setting in. If I’m not careful Lili and Chen will think there’s been a new pandaren hero added to the game.


Truly a lack of transparency by the HOTS team.

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