Mega Hero Bundles - 100 gems

we have gargamel, hoku.

Lies and slander.

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Medhiv was a specialist. So no.

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This could in theory be a good thing for the game

If the heroes themselves were this easy to get but the cosmetics are what was as hard to get as the heroes are now that would be a net positive for new players being willing to spend money rather then just get frustrated and quit becasue they can’t play their favourite

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For some reason Ive read “mega minky”


Perhaps I should change my B-Tag to that? :sweat_smile:


BW silly moment. Then you know you have sniffed to much dream dust.


Yeah im up for that!


This is really awesome and also hurts my heart. If Blizzard (not the devs) would put the smallest amount of effort into acknowledging that HoTS exists and would promote the game (minimal effort, by like putting up a HoTS splash page like we get with Hearthstone or CoD) just to make people aware of the game. Like, advertising this bundle deal would be better than NOT doing it. Right?

Ugh. I have put too much time into this game to see how little interest Blizzard has in trying to make it profitable.