Medivh is an assassin and a supporter

He’s definitely OP if used right, you don’t need your allies to use your portals - but he’s also high skill, way higher than 98% of what the player base brings. Imo he’s the ultimate smurf hero.

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I think a lot has to do with the team using your abilities as well. I can’t count how many times I’d send a portal to save a team they ignore it and slowly walk back dying in the process

Wow, this necro is gold.

I remember being crushed by a Medivh in QM once. He was on a team of randoms, and carried them all. I checked afterwards and it was a diamond player with level 50 Medivh. I wasn’t salty, I could only admire how well he played! Imagine that. :roll_eyes:


You are talking to a ghost that has not been online for 2 years.


:headstone: I just realized this is a necro lol


Fun to play and has a skill requirement. Hard, Fun, interesting, GOOD kit.
Too bad he more or less automatically looses QM when you queue. Matching in a no healer game against an abathur in almost all games.

Also dig em up. Stinky necros

me, a ghost? thats weird.