Medivh is an assassin and a supporter

The most powerful mage in all of Azeroth.
The last guardian of Tirisfal.

When he is played by his top players, he can consistently be top kills and top damage.
Medivh is a wonderful hero, with only portal mechanics (forced camera movement) stopping him from becoming more popular and reach the status of one of the best heroes in the game.

The plays that will be possible when this restriction is removed, will truly be a work of art.

Medivh will dominate all.

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Medivh is what i call a sleeper OP hero.

Has an extremely good kit but people aren’t playing him under the guise of how he’s “hard” or “needs a certain comp”


What a shame his winrate is so low. He must be one of the hardest heroes to play.


The problem with Medivh is that he is both mechanically difficult, but also has a certain difficulty level for the rest of your team taking advantage of your plays.

A perfectly played Medivh with a team of Potatoes who won’t use portals properly is never going to reach his potential.


Hi, Doomguy

Unrelated but i just wanted to let you know ive met you quite alot in QM lately, last match we crushed.

Sincerly yours

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More than a sleeper I think that his skill level is pretty high, so the majority of the players cannot figure out how to effectivly use him.
But I agree that the locked camera while portaling is pretty annoying.

While I’m not really disagreeing here, but I still want to say that his dmg is mostly just statpad, because it comes from a sustained aoe.
But really cool Hero.
(P.S.: I doubt the reason he’s not more popular or higher in winrate is due to the need to press an extra button (the spacebar) whenever you go through a portal.)

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Medivh is just hard to play. Maybe the hardest

My Medivh is almost LVL 120. Ask me anything.

If you’re under lvl 80 with Medivh you’re probably still not at a 50% win rate with him.

He’s the best hero in the game that requires the most skill to play and PICK correctly.


Still wish Medivh was more of a bag-o-tricks Hero. I want more things like Dust of Disappearance, but not at 20 (where it can’t compete).

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That heavily depends on the player. And it only appears more difficult because just like tassadar depends on his team working well.

But on average i wouldnt call medivh too hard in gameplay itself. Most abilities are easy enough in usage, they dont have too weird conditions to make them effective aswel.
They however do require you to try to think ahead, and also requires that from the team to be able to adjust.

I would still call abathur and the vikings more difficult to play, even before the XP rework. Since they also have to watch the full macro play combined with the fights themselve.

Medivh doesnt realy need that macro play to be effective. If his team is constantly going as a group, medivh can even decide to simply ignore the macro and go with the team.
If his team is good at fights, you might not even need the macro as your portal assistance can grant similar results by simply causing the enemy to die.

Medivh is allowed to play in tunnel vision style, as long as the team is decent enough to use medivh’s tools. For an abathur or vikings, this is completely diffirent.

The only reason why medivh is marked as very hard is simply because he depends on his team. For the gameplay itself, i would call him hard difficulty at most.

Portal usage might sound difficult, but if you have played with a decent medivh, you might notice that its still usualy just down to common sense and quite predictable placement (sure, for the enemy it might be harder to predict as the exit could be hidden, but thats not something that increases difficulty).
Predictable portals for your team are portals that are far more likely to be used as people expect them to appear, and that just shows they are prepared about using them. Unpredictable ones require the team to think ‘why’, which usualy makes their response too late to be effective.

I wouldn’t say he depends on his team as much as some heroes do. Nor his skillshots aren’t that hard.

What makes him hard to my opinion is the decision making. Like do i save this guy with the shield? Or do i put portal gates for him? Do i pressure the enemy team with my Q or heroic to save the guy?

Most heroes entire kit has one purpose. But medivh’s kit has multiple diverse purpose that are used depending on the situation. And if you can’t read the situation properly, its 4v5. You are just a minion with hood

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I hope we meet again, and i am better at him when we do.

My thing with Medivh is that whiffing a Q basically strangles your damage output while it’s on cooldown.
I agree with those saying he takes great skill to play, because he does indeed require a lot of effort to really make work and work well.
I, personally, have zero sense of how best to use his shield. On the other hand, I find a lot of people ignore portals. It’s the Thresh lantern all over again.

It might sound very diffirent. But its not much diffirent towards displacement oriented heroes. Displacements can cause enemies to get closer to your teammates and get killed aswel. At the same time, your actions can disrupt a combo of your teammates.
Maiev, alarak, stitches and diablo are all heroes that instead of helping the team can hinder it.

For medivh a mischoise doesnt instantly mean you did bad, your shield might have saved your teammate if it was applied, but since it wasnt caused the enemy to attack him instead of the other.

There are plenty of cases where your shield doesnt protect a lot of damage, but still did its job. Thats still often down to the player since a life saving shield is usualy already a case of ‘he overextended’, in other words, your teammate failed.

Shields are often just a guess on whether they properly protect. Thats why its a quite spammable ability. 2/3 of your shields might not even protect against 100 damage. Its that 1/3 that matters, and even then protecting 400 doesnt even sound a lot.
Those godly shields of protecting 1500+ damage are rare when your team is playing properly, dont expect them to happen. Only with bad people its easy to stack a lot of damage on them, and then they still die.

Medivhs kit is more about being able to quickly rotate as a team, than it is about shielding the team. The shield is just there to allow a more safer exit from the portal (if it wasnt there, people would always just point their attacks at the exit for an easy kill. the shield makes such attack far less effective).

And his damage oriented Q is just so medivh can at least stand his ground. Since his supportive abilities are not enough on its own. And to limit it and prevent spamming, it has this reset mechanic. Even if it never gets completed, its not directly an issue if the team is still properly using your portal and making kills that way. I see his Q more as a ‘Ok, this team is bad. Lets change tactics’ kind of ability. If your abilities arent helping your teammates, maybe your damage will.

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i am trying to be better with medivh and, ill tell u the power he brings is worth the huge skill ceiling. so having him do so much at the cost of him being FREAKKIN IMPOSIBLE to play is worth it xD

I still think Medivh is a meme at this point and everything people say about him is exaggerated to some extent.
Ye he was OP after the rework for a while but thats about it. Other than that, largely unchanged, peforming the same as he did in <2017. The same in HGC - he had better moments outside rework, but other than that, just a fine performing hero. Far from the best ones.

Good Medivh can win the game but you can say the same about other many heroes. There are more difficult to play heroes although some games you may think clicking on the portal is a superpower.

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Honestly i much prefer the camera following my movement than not .
So much more convenient lol

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I enjoyed your understanding a lot.

level 600 73 win rate with medivh main here.

medivh is a hero that will have top siege. top dmg. double the shields of any other support enemy, and still lose the game. useless if you dont get early quest. useless late game. team constantly complaining or throwing because of a medivh pick.

i can literally out dmg an enemy tassadar kt cass and still lose the game 6 towers to 0.
when are you going to buff medivh. no one is scared of a medivh. no one bans medivh.