Medivh is an assassin and a supporter

I notice a big spike after taking that talent as well.

That camera lock is irritating af though. It’s the main reason I don’t play medivh

That can be toggled by pressing L.

No it cant

I also used to top siege as Medivh only because I’m matched with a bunch of clueless clowns who can’t soak at all, not because Medivh is great at clearing waves :smiley: I wish he had meaningfull siege boost talent before the level 20 Guardian of Tirisfal. I’m tired of playing 10/10 games vs. Abathur with Medivh’s terrible siege damage.

Medivh is good already and it is hard to game play,but I think he need a rework,grant him the second ability with this name (Arcane Chain),moving His portal as the 4nd basic ability (like Xul’s Bone Armor) and so Increase its cooldown and duration and a simplification value in the portal casting.

Because Medivh is the Raziel of Warcraft.

He turns everyone into a Genji or secures ez disengages. He also gets a LAWL FREE SCOUTING form that you can’t do anything about.

Imo if the Medivh is good, they’re the most overpowered hero ever.

Same with Imperius, it’s bruiser tank and melee dps, it should be multiclass.

Oh boy! Look at what the date the thread was originally created!

I see you got much to learn my friend.

I suspect a LOL spy in our mist trying too hard to troll.

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Have you checked his winrate? Below masters at minimum he’s crap. No one follows portals because no one can react that quickly. He needs a 5 man to do well. Even if he finishes his quest it’s not over. If the devs buffed his healing though and/or made healing on shield baseline then I’d say he’d be op on the flip side and you’d take him and a second healer every game. Even then I’d just say tlv is better and can do more as a support

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I don’t play league or any other moba games.

He’s definitely OP if used right, you don’t need your allies to use your portals - but he’s also high skill, way higher than 98% of what the player base brings. Imo he’s the ultimate smurf hero.

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I think a lot has to do with the team using your abilities as well. I can’t count how many times I’d send a portal to save a team they ignore it and slowly walk back dying in the process

Wow, this necro is gold.

I remember being crushed by a Medivh in QM once. He was on a team of randoms, and carried them all. I checked afterwards and it was a diamond player with level 50 Medivh. I wasn’t salty, I could only admire how well he played! Imagine that. :roll_eyes:


You are talking to a ghost that has not been online for 2 years.


:headstone: I just realized this is a necro lol


Fun to play and has a skill requirement. Hard, Fun, interesting, GOOD kit.
Too bad he more or less automatically looses QM when you queue. Matching in a no healer game against an abathur in almost all games.

Also dig em up. Stinky necros

me, a ghost? thats weird.