Medallion Removed

Quitting the game just because medallion is gone. Were you that bad you needed 1sec cc immunity just to have fun ?


Candy is unbearable.

How I thought Melke would make a thread and start a party when it’s gone. :joy: While I liked the GM, I don’t mind that it is removed. It has no impact on my games anyway.

The only thing I will miss, when people activate the GM before taking lethal damage. :smiley:

That was funny. People popping medallion when getting solo dove by Greymane and all the CC that he has :rofl:


I like GM, but I won’t cry after losing it.

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Is not low or high who cry. It was crying Tanks and stunlocking dps. Most of Healers was happy whit it. Becouse they coud bit defend self.

Actually main healers in general were also unhappy with it, because more than half of the healer roster utilize roots, immobilizations, and displacement as part of their main appeal and as a follow up to their tank’s initiation.


If anything it hit healers worse. Tanks could somewhat adapt by trying to bait out medallions but for healers their CC was an emergency button already. If they couldn’t CC the enemy then it had grave consequences. That being said both suffered.

Anyways, I liked medallion but it wasn’t implemented correctly and caused numerous issues.


Personally as a healer main it benefited me alot. Ana, rehgar, and deckard lost nothing really and could use medallion to get out of dives. Won me a handful of games. Obviously it depends on healer and it hurt anduin imo more than it helped.

Healers: 43% Liked it, 35% disliked it from my Survey

Welp, I guess I stand corrected 43% of the time.


yay i can play Qhira again :slight_smile:

To me
Medallions value scaled with the player

It did little to low end skill and a lot to high end skill.
It got scaling value making it extremely hard to find a home for it imo

It’s better, imo, to just learn better positioning and game sense than to learn medallion use.

At higher tier say someone only makes a few major mistakes in a game.
The medallion can cover those mistakes up leaving the gaps to make big plays even smaller


Anyways im really happy with devs response. I wouldn’t mind if they found a way to bring it back for a future season in a different form. I just felt like ktz and qhira did not need that kind of nerf.


Precisely. As someone who came in while it was around, I personally saw it as a nest for fledglings before they’re ready to fly on their own.
Time to remove our training wheels.

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Melke was gonna leave if medallion WASN’T taken out


I really didn’t either. Players good enough with it just weren’t common at my level, and frankly it was on a 5 minute cooldown so if I needed it to escape once, chances are in under 20 seconds that very same engage would be off cooldown and available once more.

Over its duration I probably played less than I ever have, but it got me out of like two tight spots. Granted, those would have been deaths otherwise, but I think it was more individually frustrating than particularly efficacious or impactful in a long term. But I’m also far from GM level.

Certainly, it just means my engages as a tank go off more, but I wouldn’t call this a hellscape in the same way as I’d call global stealth a hellscape. Those were odd days. Dark days.

Dear developers,

If you are reading this forum, I’d like to express my dislike for the Medallion by reposting a portion of your own statement on the anomaly.

"…and how it added a new vector of skill expression that was universally available to everyone who played the game, no matter which hero or role they played as."

The above sentence is exactly why I did NOT like the medallion. I enjoy HoTS over other MOBA’s because each Hero is truly unique from one another. I believe that adding in items/abilities/trinkets that diminish said uniqueness takes away from each Hero’s full potential and harms true competition amongst players.

Heavy CC is still an issue in this game so I look forward to seeing how you will combat this issue as HoTS continues to grow and change over the coming years.

I guess Melke was right.