With limit deaths for an axample 0 -> 3 deaths . Hardcore stats dmgs,assists,heal,xp per every heroe,class… Penalty /Rewarded ranked points would be increased,win points eaither personaly!,depence from deaths. Hard part is you definte what exacltly should be numbers. For an axample xx games. Laddder /Rankto be like old one 2015 year.
In past time avarage 2 years or long ime i did suggested different rules. Again hardcore to death,death heroe or player would watch whole game to the end BUT depence from stats of heroe,game lvl,choosed talent builds would trasfferd buffed to the a life heroes/player or like this Brawl to the death. And these stats from death heroe would calulated and sapared on 3,4 a like heroes and pay attentione now…work in extra empty skills slots for main skill and heroic skils and trait and for
extra slots talents! That mean heroes would become hibrits heroes ,this not new idea ! This old idea is from Heroes of Newearth wich is completed befor long time ago. know is not something new idea(old like our world) Hard part is calcuated system and what exacly skills,heroic skills ,talents (from death heroe) to be saparated to a life heroes. Or that mean as you can guess,heroes would fragmented into pieces !. Difference from Heroes of The Newearth and HoTS is…in HoN was maked already replace skills and heroes become mixed or hibrits,but in HoST would be a lttle different!. So ?!
I don’t get it.
So ranked with limited deaths?
Preseason was meh and Ranked players are already frustrated with current rank, how is this going to be an improvement for them?
Pointless and useless mechanic for a moba.
Yeah… Uh… no…
Now i edit or fix itmy topic please read it again.
This idea is NOT worked befor in other genre DoTA games. Or that mean also
,heroes would become something similar like Diablo and WoW heroes skills ,but would be with more skills and talents and would be mixed/ buffed a little and or be learn extra skills,talents!. Or that mean heeoes become something similar like Cho Gall and Arbathur.! . And one questione …how many times you wanted to kick out from the game someone player because he is terrible or cant play so careful,i would ask you again HOW.MANY TIMES?! I can agree then come maybe more unbalanced skills,cds,dmgs,talents. And they must reworked again or do more balances changes . And indeed,then …for them(Blizzard team) would come more work. willSo ?!
Of course you start kick out or agains such ideas .BECAUSE YOU DIDNT TRY BEFOR… and you dont know what kind of feels you start feel. First try something new then start think! And this guy “ihateclowns” is right…there still be classic mode and allow of hardcore players…
to play something new,fresh and alot challenge!
I remember there was a mode for classic dota that would even make you drop items upon death.
Limited lives you are proposing would be more possible in a form of a brawl skirmish.
One of classic dota modes:
Death Match
If you die, you will have to pick a new hero once you can respawn. If a random primary mode was selected, you will receive a hero according to that random mode. A team loses if it has 44 deaths (you can change this value with -lives # command), or if its ancient is destroyed.
How the mode you are talking about was called in HoN?
from HoN wiki:
Hardcore - Denies give no experience, denying towers gives no gold, and no passive gold gain.
hmm.yes is good too such mode for Brawl…but if be like mine versione,then would be real hardcore with ranked system. That why called hardcore. Then would be real challenge. In Diablo 3 is also a lot challenge. And that why isnt good in Brawl ,because this is like test only your game skill. And to pick hew heroe is almost same like current classic mode. Yes.they can work on both versiones! Some Peoples like something very hard for play. Otherwise thank you for your idea for Brawl.
For me the diablo hardcore always has been like, you die the game is over.
So you basically want the mode that would make people play extremely careful and passive to minimise feeding in games it would just favour picking tanks healers and abathurs, azmodans etc
Im sorry is not exactly with limits deaths in HoN ,just there is.mode to mix mash/hibrits heroes skills, when you kill this heroe and get his skills(abilityes)for fun or for something play different. In HoST would a way different!
Ability draft from dota, i wonder if its even possible to implement something like this in Hots.
Noo you didnt read carefuly all rules,mechanics well dude…noo draft abilityes…
To learn abilityes,tanlents,heroic skill from death allied team heroe and to be calculated and divided of 3,4 his stats main heal,mana,basic dmg,speed,dps,seed attack depence from game lvl to a life heroes ,but not to be choosen from players,with strict rules!
Like depence from weаknes of every heroe and to be trasfered favor skill,heroic skill,talent. Yes, understand very well thos cost ling work decions for Blizzard team. But if be this freedom for players or without strict rules,then would be bad and maybe a lot unbalaced. And if need changes for cd times,dmgs they can work on 2 versiones way for Classic mode and Hardcore changes.
Sorry, but you’re totally wrong: I’ve played D2 and D3 Hardcore modes for years, so I perfectly know what a challange is and how it works. Probably much more than how older you are.
But your idea, imho, still pretty terrible for a moba: it would fit better in a totally different game that has been designed and developed with such purpose. Trying to adapt those mechanics on an already existing game that has a completly different focus will just be a mess.
Yes, its different from D3 i know that very well…i know exist ppls wich would dislike hardcore play and to play exrime carefuly is a lot challenge and many players can easy sometume survive with 0 deaths or 1,2 deaths. Of didnt read carefuly where i did said that" limmit 0-》3 deaths" is your broblem dude!.And the game would be almost same until someone die 3 times!! THAT NOT MEAN WOULD BE DIFFERENT CLASSIC DoTa game!! Look so you dude cant understand that! And to learn more abilityes,talents,heroic skills mean to replace this death heroe to be fair and maybe balanced. Players like you will play classic mode,Unranked,QM, Brawl and maybe different games like either play different genre game like Batrle Royal Players’ Unknow Battleground mobile. Peoples like and want play something new and different and a lot challenged.
Heors like Abathur,Lili, Uther,Chromie and maybe Murky, can be pernament banned when teams draft ,if of course they do not do mistakes. And if be not banned in many games Abathur ,that bring a lot challenge and creativity or that mean players would find many ways how to be killed…
I remember temple siege in SC had a limited deaths mechanic. Man that map was a blast, so many cool mechanics that I’ve yet to see in any other custom map.
Don’t think it would translate super well to hots though.