Matchmaking in Quick Match is broken

I miss those matches. To this day I claim what tought me how to reach Masters was the flexibility which the old and (more) chaotic QM required from me and the fact that I mastered every Hero.


a “white knight” is usually associated with someone that protects something, usual to some sort of detriment these days.

Conveying information to people and trying to help complainers learn a thing about ‘problem solving’ is not the same thing. However, since you are someone who is afraid of genuine information and languishes in their self-imposed ignorance, it isn’t surprising that you’re trying to conflate the two to suit your typical confirmation bias.

It could be said that it’s ‘exhausting’ dealing with the same ‘trolls’ because one type of activity actually requires effort, while the other one is a bunch of lazy interjection that thinks it’s a bad thing if someone actually learns or improves at something. That concern would be more prevalent if you have something like a ‘career’ – work that constantly demands, and rewards, people for applying effort, learning new things, and having to deal with people that refuse to do either.

Otherwise you’d be less a “white knight” trying to protect ignorance and preventing people from getting assistance from a game that doesn’t teach people how to actually play it.


The usual issue in QM is that Stitches players are useless (toss out a missed hook and then hide behind the damage dealers) and alarak requires some ‘skill’ to contribute on his combos. Since one side is going to have heavy cooldowns that they’re going to miss (cuz blaming matching instead of practicing how to land skillshots,) they probably spent a lot of time doing a bunch of nothing while kael spams bombs and zag gets to stall long-enough to get her % damage and have everyone run away from her hydralisk. That team can seem all that much more unstoppable to heroes that stand around waiting to die instead of using the moment kael steps forward to punish a short-range mage and cripple their ‘advantage’ in damage.

Otherwise, just about any of those heroes can delete ana or zag at the start of the fight by attacking alongside tyrael’s judgment (unless he took sanc cuz "oh no pyroblast :open_mouth: ) I’m going to guess that maiev posturing applies more pressure than either tyrael or stitches, so despite having the heavier frontline, your frontline petered around and played like they’re significantly more squishy than they actually are.

Auriel then doesn’t take the “get energy from allied damage” talent, so having heavy cd heroes keeps her energy starved, and healing is lacking to sustain heroes that are either afraid to clump, or spreading the bomb so much that it offsets what healing is put out and now qm is broked qq.

The game assigns an “mmr handicap” to compensate for groups with a higher stack, so that way casual buddies can pick whatever and play the game without needing to “try hard” simply because they want to shoot the breeze while they play. However, players generally don’t play to the matched level of their “mmr” as they’ll win on some heroes, and then lose on different ones and play to some sort of ‘average’ that is inaccurate on both their good and bad picks \o/


Mostly an annoyance without hard hitting heroes to follow up. His predominant role is to bait spells and drain mana but he is just as good at chasing and body blocking. Pinning players against terrain or pushing them into a ground hazard with Holy Ground is a cherry on top, but is also a great method of creating distance for your own guys by breaking opponents’ melee range (such as being caught by Butcher’s chain).

Much more than anything, it is through his presence that your team benefits most, not his damage. Still you can achieve high numbers but that’s mostly because of his durability and nimbleness. You can easily make a backline healer panic and disrupt enemy positioning but I wouldn’t really count on being able to earn the kill alone.

As a Judgement Tyrael, I quickly killed squishies like Ana, Ming, Valla.


Actually the match was almost finished before level 10. Besides that Tyrael cannot kill solo any hero, especially when the team is 2 levels behind. Other heroes were just unbale to go through the rest enemy heroes.
So everything written here is just a nice theory, that I never saw implemented in the game.

Why highlight that a “whatif” is a theory? It’s selfdescribed. But the point remains, if it could go a different way, then it’s not about the comps but the execution… which is skill based.

Imho, both sides do have advantages in their own way, depends on how they plan to build and play their strengths, no side is really at disadvantage here at all. Also, you’d better state the map coz it affects essentially to analyze the match thoroughly, even better with the full replay.

As a glance, to me, the opponent team is stronger in term of dmg in early to mid game, but once it reaches the later mid to late game, then your team is much more scarier.

I’m a Tyrael main, so if it was me, I would just ask Stitiches whether he wanna play aggressive or prefer me to do it, so one goes with bruiser build/laner and the other goes with tank build and we start our plan to play after that.

Early game
In term of map pressuring, the enemy had better dmg to clear and push, but your team got higher HP and self-sustain with them to endure it, so it’s manageable and can say it’s a tie.

In term of ganking, both sides seem to be equal or at least not pose a threat enough to be more dangerous than the other do.

In term of TF, your team is at disadvantage here and shouldn’t engage randomly without a worthy cause. Endure it past 10 and your team start to have more chance significantly.

I can write more of how it can be play past 10 but it surely makes wall of text, if you want to read more then, I can do it later I guess

In this match up and without a map to be considered, I rarely see the reason to split enemy because they seem to be split by themselves with either Maiev or Mura do the initiating, Zag and KT can just poke from afar till nice opportunity arise to commit, Ana is back there already. Mura and Maiev can just get themselves out of Holy ground.

if Tyrael is a tank here, then I’d expect Stitches to abduct Ana to a nice date somewhere else with hook and Gorge while I’m with the team to Sanc and slash enemy with my wet noodle, if Stitches is a tank then I expect him to Gorge either Maiev or Mura who comes near and Tyrael to cause the havoc at their backline.

I believe I can help with that, do feel free to watch any replay of my Tyrael with Judgement game, you may find a practical execution of nice theory to watch.

Morales’s team after Medivac is deployed, they can let the queen to siege a lane while on high alert to retreat and change lane and the 4 mans squad ride to start a gank fest coz it’s so deadly, and keep outnumber enemy to contest either obj or merc camps and win by map pressuring or a TF that on their favor, they can even do a juice pirate strategy with Sindragosa, pushing 2 lanes at once.

Full TF is clearly in the opponent favor, less chance to confront with them directly


Lets stop thinking about him as tank. He isn’t a very good bruiser either because his only schtick is outsustaining opponents 1v1 by shielding minions and denying globes. If anything he should fall into the Zarya/Medivh matchmaking category.

The best approach is simply to avoid him whenever possible, not because he is threatening but just a huge walking distraction. That’s too generous, he has a median value collision radius in comparison to more capable tanks and no sustain outside of PVP combat.

He certainly still has a spot on the team among more coordinated groups but nothing about him screams strong or intimidating. If you’re killing a full HP player alone after casting Judgement, it is probably because they’re bad. Many healers will just CC you and casually walk away, by late game a competent Ana might just as well facetank you and win. You’ll likely trade your death by finishing her with an explosion but you could be doing much more.

It’s like saying that you’re killing everyone left and right in QM with Pyroblast, but then you notice Ming without Force Armor or Expulsion and Valla without Gloom. I’m at 75% with KT this season and it only works against stupid unsuspecting people. Most of the time I am going trigger happy using it as a tool of deterrence to temporarily force the enemy away in order to buy time or simply to make them reconsider and recall back at the worst possible moment, because 30 seconds of running back can be just as good as earning a kill. This works surprisingly well when there are no healers around.

The “nothing you do is your own achievement but the lacking of the enemy’s” argument… refreshing. Also everyone must be bad regardless of rank/mmr if you did xy…

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Do you refer this to him being a bruiser/laner for doing that? If yes, then if it makes him be able to soak his lane, stacking his globe quest and stop enemy pushing & gradually push constantly, why’s a bad thing though?

Any factor that affects enemy actions and behaviors contribute to a match outcome, capable or not it’s up to player themselves and a distraction can become a destruction in the right moment, lastly, he has sustain outside PVP, Salvation at lv.1 and Divine Vigor at lv.4.


It has more to do with reaction time than anything. He will slowly chip at the target until it dies whereas realizing early that you’re going to lose might guarantee an escape. Another argument for Holy Ground is that it can serve as a pseudo interrupt against certain wind-up abilities.

lets have a cliffnotes version

it’s a written medium; apply yourself.


Wholesome comment, i’ts true. As a general rule, if a game is harder, you have to play safer, that means not chasing for kills, no diving in without good vision on area or position on enemy team heroes, and certainly playing a bit less aggresive. Those things have certainly improved my solo quickmatch win rate by at least 50%.


much better this time, but the application of oneself to white knighting is exactly the problem…you get a negative return on investment

MM was broken 2nd year into the game, nothing new here

I was MM in QM with apparently a popular team called “the juicers” yesterday, they are GM level but they had smurf accounts, all 3 teamed up and when I looked at their profile, no surprise all 3 had over 90% WR on their account.

You can tell they are pros on how they play, 100% different from my level in plat.


ensuring a balanced distribution of roles within each team

not sure how this would make the game any better overall because the moment you start imposing role restrictions you ruin the entire diversity of the game

matches without healer and tank roles would continue to occur when half of the hero roster is barely playable without a proper setup

someone woke up one day and decided having 10 assassins in a single match is fine, but seeing 4 healers is haram

Since you were Tyrael, the off tank, have you tried:

  1. Catching waves
  2. Adapting your build according to your team’s need
  3. Scouting for camp invade and anchoring
  4. Giving objective up to get map and/or xp control
  5. Casting tons of meaningful abilities to support your team and distracting the enemy
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It is broken in many ways because this game is dead. It’s an RNG.

The game eventually levels out and keeps you as close to 50.5% win rate overall as it can.