Malthael, bruiser?

Why is Malth classified as a bruiser? Shouldn’t he be a melee assassin?

Just wondering.


Lower damage than most melee assassins, more self-sustain than the regular assassin: That´s why he is a bruiser.


He is used as a solo laner so it makes sense he is put against other heroes who are traditionnaly used as it.


High waveclear, self sustain, good dueling potential at the cost of burst. These are the things that make Malthael a Bruiser, not a Melee Assassin, as he’s one of the best offlaners in the game, however he’s not a hyper carry like Illidan or Maiev. If any bruiser was gonna be moved to the Melee Assassin role, it would be Ragnaros, as he functions more like a Alarak than a Sonya or Leoric.


Malthael is definitely more durable in tf-s than just a melee assassin.

Other Bruisers like D.Va and Chen are exempt of the rules that I listed (waveclear, sustain, dueling potential) however I think they land in there due to their high healthpool, decent damage output and lack of cc. Essentially, Bruisers have good survivability, decent to high damage output (normally sustained damage), higher healthpools than assassins, but low amounts of cc compared to tanks.

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Bruisers have decent self sustain and are pretty universal solo-laners. Malthael fits that bill well. Xul on the other hand, looks a bit odd in there. But I guess putting Xul in melee assassin category would be even more wrong.
Much like Probius as ranged assassin.
Some heroes are just Specialists - heroes that don’t really fit conventional categorisation. I do think it would be best to add 1 more category for heroes that are a class of their own and don’t fit anywhere else - specialist (or maybe “Outcast”) - just make sure ppl don’t incorrectly think it’s a category for “pushers”.

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They put too many heroes under Specialist. Most of them were not special at all (e.g., Nazeebo - a normal ranged assassin).

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Well, that’s what the specialist role was initially, however that classification created problems as for a role that isn’t meant to have a role assigned to them, people assigned them as the “pushers”. If they end up taking Azmo, Xul and Probe and put them in an “Outcast” role, that’ll just end up being called the pusher role and the whole dilemma will resurface.

P.S. I accidentally hit the delete button :expressionless:


Well anyway, who really cares about how heroes are officially classified. That’s only relevant to new players. Although I guess we don’t have that many of them so we should strive to make their life as easy as possible to keep them intoxicated.

Yea, it just makes the lives of new players easier, and makes players like me have a more focused role to main. I love playing Bruisers, however because Malthael is my most played, I come across as an Assassin main, not a Bruiser main.

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Indeed. Mathael should have be melee assassin.

Having Mathael as Bruiser will certainly make his life harder in QM because he is going to face a problem to tank (or buy time) for his 4 assassin team mates against enemy team that have real bruiser (such as Artanis, DvA, Dehaka, Leoric) who can off-tank (or buy time) for his 4 assassin teammates…

It is pretty much unfair composition unless Mathael somehow landed in the special and rare situation where the 4 enemy assassins somewhat got caught and marked by Mathael and are in his range of Soul Rip.

That was already a problem before and I would wager that him beeing matched against an off-tank is more in his favor than beeing matched against an assassin.

I normally play Malth like a specialist but then again the bruisers I play I also play like a specialist so I guess this does fit him even though i feel safer and tankier on someone like Thrall in team fights then I do on Malth.


Nah. Definitely not.

Tank --------------------- Bruiser --------------------- Assassin
.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Malthael

He may be on the other side of Bruiser middle, but he’s definitely much closer to Bruiser average, than Assassin.


I haven’t really looked at the new classification, but I bet Thrall is a melee assassin (what else could he be?), and I must say that Malthael isn’t more durable than Thrall :stuck_out_tongue: His self-sustain is okay-ish, but he needs more max HP.

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Bruisers: Xul, Malthael, Dehaka,, Leoric, Varian, Rexxar, Ragnaros, Thrall, Chen, Yrel, Imperius, Artanis.

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Damn… it looks like they were just tossing a coin when deciding what role to give each melee hero.
Thrall has a lot of damage, and he deals it rather fast. He does deserve to be a melee assassin.
But my point stands that Malthael is too squishy for the bruiser category. He seems to be the squishiest from the list :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would say that’d Xul or Misha.

I have Malthael at lvl 27 and Thrall at lvl 16, so I think I played them enough times to form an opinion on this topic: imo they both deserve to be Bruisers and I like the roles the Heroes got. All (maybe Tyrael as a main tank is still a bit off for me, but nothing else).

Honestly, bruisers are much more sustain oriented than straight bursting people down in a nano second.

But more so, malth is all about that Q spam and sustained combat playstyle. Makes sense from a bruiser standpoint, where as he seems out of place as a melee assassin as his only assassin esque features are hitting multiple people.