Malfurion appriciation thread

Need vision? Check
Need a burst heal? Hold on let me aim really well
Long distance heals? Check
Short distance? Check
Actually requires skill? Love it!
Antiheal/extra body?
Strong talents? Check
Mini nerfed nanoboost? Check

Ma fury on only misses a cleanse but he got the next best thing! A aoe removel on a lower cd then brightwing

I dont main him but I love the hero. I can say I can draft him into ranked

If you like him feel free to comment!


You forgot amazing holiday skin. :slight_smile:


Malf didnt need the rework just saying

another fun healer ruined

Its a appriciation thread…


Here is Malfurion wiping some nobodies
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Since the changes to Tyrande, Malf has become the best Healer in tournaments and higher level play. Only Rhegar is getting picked as often.

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off topic but did i play with you today or was it just someone with your name?

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yeah it’s really nice look at those lights!

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Probably the most fun healer to play along with kharazim and rehgar.

Malf is AMAZING. What makes me more suprised is that he’s been meta since forever.

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No I dont play as much these days. I am on the EU servers. Top 4 are Arthas Varian Garrosh and Malth
Did 1 game to “stay fit” yesterday because I need to play ranked soon (stupid rank decay)
I love this game but I feel a bit burned out after playing daily for 2+ years

So satisfying to land a big moonfire and see a burst heal or to do a emerald wind and hit 3+ people :laughing:

I have to say new Reghar isnt my favorit anymore.
Stukov Tyrande Alexstrasza Malfurion are my go to healers

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Malf is my second most played healer after Auriel.
And i love Malf to.

Low ranked/QM games i only run quest on Root, because you know all eternal stacking quests are fun as heck.
In ranked it varies between the 3 choices, but mainly it is between longer roots in tunnel maps like Cursed Hollow, or healing reduction when needed.

Also his heals are epic an synergy with almost any character are just great.

Overall a well rounded epic healer!

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If only his voice lines weren’t so dull…

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My highest is 37
But I never take the bigger area. I find the tree or the reduce heal a bit more usefull.
Not only for the dmg but it allows us to dive into towers

I dont like half his skins. I dont want to wear christmas malfurion before december. So thats a flaw for me

Betrayer is okay. He needs a mecha skin.
Every hero needs a mecha skin.

Now that I think about it, a tuxedo skin would also fit him well.


Oeh can you suggest this to the hero/skin suggestions? :star_struck:

I will leave this honor for you.


Tree dude bad, grey space alien good.


Grey space alien? Yrell? Tassadar?
I am confused :stuck_out_tongue: