I just had a game where the only player left on our team was a bot anub’arak, and instead of defending core, it walked around in circles on the other side of the map. Never even attempted to hearth.
Why is the AI this bad? When core is dying = hearth and defend. Don’t pretend like that would be heard to program in. The year is 20 freaking 20 and everyone used to expect better from one of the biggest AAA gaming companies on the planet.
pretty sure no one expects (or should anyway) better from a company that was bought by activision. every game is hated by all the people that liked them since the sellout.
There was a post on top of the forum saying they dedicated an entire employee to reworking the AI. I don’t know if he is still working on the AI bots.
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that’s true i saw it yesterday it was posted a month ago that they’re working to improve the AI “yet again” so we’ll see how it goes once they finish. is it going to get better or worse as usual~
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off topic: ( based off of the replied post)
tell you guys something, even ACTIVISION ITSELF wasent always bad. back then, they were, and i kid you not, as lifely and caring as blizzard, OG BLIZZARD! im not sure what happened after the 2000s but they had many amazing games that made my childhood too.
back to topic:
the AI is very flawed atm, heroes im new at and want to improve with using ai is just too easy. when im learning a new hero, the ai just cant do anything, and that is while using ELITE mode. we can just go all 5, and push top and win core in 90 seconds while the ai is sitting between towers waiting for the minion wave to spawn so he can push
Because this was the “fix” that was tried to prevent players cheesing the AI by poking core every minute with a long range hero like Chromie or Li Ming causing them to drop all pushes and objectives to “defend” the core.
It fixed it a bit too well. Now the AI ignores their core and when they are not ignoring it they are running around it like headless chickens.