Make every Hero Free to Play

in vsAI only.
So new players can freely test out stuff with no limitations, but we still don’t give power to smurfs.


Or at the very least expand the free hero rotation roster.

Yes, this would be awesome.

The biggest selling point of this game is that you can play as your fav characters.
But… you’re actually very limited in that regard if you’re new.
With this change, ppl can instantly try out their chosen ones, but can’t play them all in PvP games.

And we could still lock new Heroes for a few weeks to encourage purchases, if that’s a concern.

And this doesn’t effect PvP modes (or if it does, there are possible solutions for that).

I believe this could give some fresh meat blood to the game (since there are already a lot of vsAI-only players).


I love this because I find a lot of heroes fun and would finally get to play them instead of waiting for F2P rotation.


I like this idea.

Maybe restrict skin usage to F2P rotation and bought heroes if it’s too much. That way it still provides incentive to buy heroes.


I love the idea in the OP, and this is a very sensible addition. Since almost all heroes are technically free to play in ARAM, I can’t see the harm in relaxing the restrictions in vs AI.


Eh, it’s a good start…

But I think more emulating the SC2 co-op mode kind of makes sense.

Give people X amount of free games versus AI and QM on each hero. Say, 5.

(Technically that isn’t emulating co-op, but emulating it would mean capping hero progression at level 5, while buying the hero proper would “backdate” all the experience earned since level 5… which given the reward is primarily loot chests, has some ethical concerns).

Honesty, I think they should make the 2014/2015 launch heroes all free as a baseline for every mode. If not more heroes.

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Theres the “free samples” section in the collection tab. But I would never be against this change.

Game is reaching it’s EoL (end of life) status, the hero prices should be halved by now, AI players should get either all heroes free or the free hero rotation doubled/tripled.

Make the game more accessible and fun by removing the massive paywall of grinding required to unlock new heroes. Charge money for cosmetics and announcers like Dota 2, not heroes.

If that isn’t an option, double or triple the quest gold given from dailies. Give small gold/gem rewards every single level instead of 5/10/25 for people who are under lvl 500.

Also, if the marketing team manages to convert a player with an existing SC2/OW/HS/Diablo/WoW account to playing HotS, give them a big gold/gem boost as a thanks for joining (not cross promos like in the past which gave them rewards in their main game, which lead to bad results).

For example +500% gold gained for a month.

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What? Where? I don’t know about that.

Try mode.

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In the collections, if you click on a hero you don’t own, there’s the option to try them for free.

You’d then be put in a 1 lane map with a malfurion AI ally for some reason lol, against a random single AI hero. There are training dummies and 2 camps in the bottom of the map.

By default it’s Arthas.

Idk why.

So you indeed meant TryMode.
To me, even vsAI is boring and TryMode is below that.
That’s not enough. You don’t play the game in that mode. It’s truly just to watch and try out stuff. But by that I don’t mean Heroes, I mean combos and stats and stuff like that.

Inside joke. Arthas basically their biggest name, a big bad guy with lots of enemies. He was the target dummy for a lot of Heroes in their Trailer videos (if you don’t know about those check them, good memories from this game’s prime).

It’s not enough for sure. I just use it to get used to a combo hero before I enter an actual game.

Hmm, makes sense,

But why Malf?


First(?) Healer iirc.
They’re here since early alpha.

My guess is he helps you heal and roots Arthas to land your spells better. It’s meant for training purposes, to maintain you in the lane while you try things out.

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