Make Azmodan Trample reset on Hero Takedown

Trample is one of the funniest talents in the game.

So I think we can agree that having Trample have its cooldown reset when it gets a takedown, would be incredibly funny, and still very balanced.

Although it’s cooldown is only 20s, it feels very similar to shifting malice from Kel’thuzard. It would make for some entertaining moments in ARAM, and all other modes.


I love getting trample kills, doesn’t happen often but always fun when it does


I find it hard not to pick “Total Annihilation

I’ve only picked Trample once, and won the game before getting to use it :slight_smile:

Kel’s version is a high risk high reward trample (use it at wrong time without getting a kill, you’re out of escape for up to 5 mins).

If azmo needs to get a trample reset, it should be on Sin’s grasp (lvl 20 e talent) as an additional functionality. I don’t think that lvl 20 was too popular anyway, given other lvl 20s are better; make it be like kel’s shift. :slight_smile:

i always hoped that trample could be useable whilst channeling E

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