Lunara Counters?

You worry not, this game got many meta-sheeps.


Your talent choices are Garbo for butcher

Lunara is one of the worst ranged assassins in the game right now and a oneshoot target for a list of heroes that are constantly played. So if you play her in QM and are fine with her good. But in general no point of picking her often.

Be happy that there are 10 players left in this game that play a MOBA competitively to win and are not lootbox farmers.

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ilidan is good for deer hunt

BW, Rehgar, whitemane, auriel, Deckard, stukov.

But to counter the counter you just pick ana and they have no healing.

Lunaras q have longer range thant his aa

Gold1 and Plat4 in HL.
But i already stated that previously. You might missed it :slightly_smiling_face:
I haven’t touched QM for 7-8 months.


Getting hit counters her pretty good. She has like 50 hp

Pretty much this. She was overly nerfed in the rework. The only way Lunara can shine now is if the enemy ignore her completely.

lol. tracer IS deer food.

if i see any tracer or genji in draft i know i am going single target burst AA. they will flee or die.

Tracer hard counters Lunara at 20 and earlier with talent advantage.

Lamb to the slaughter and she should be dead
cc is her greatest weakness ., if she can t jump , she s as a fish on dry land

Two years later :exploding_head:
Please don’t dig out old Posts


Wow. Thats a necro far above regular necromancer is capable of.

  1. Sustain/area - aoe healers like Malfurion, Brightwing, Kharazim, Whiteman, Anduin, Auriel( at 16 + burst too), Stukov ( + 75 kinetic armour - best choice).

  2. Artanis, Zarya - kinetic + energy armour + shields + Artanis’s blind.

  3. Assasins and tanks with energy armour cause poison +/or self-healing - Thrall. Ragna, Johanna for example.

most intriguing, it is an answer to a two year old question

This necromancer is surely a skilled one.

Back to topic: Lunara is countered by poke dmg and heroes who can dive her. She is also fragile to burst dmg

Not in any way, nope nope. Lunara has talents to increase her slows and movement speed; you also don’t take into account the fact that she has two Rs and can use them against Butcher’s E and R. On the other hand, Lunara can kill the Butcher in less than 10 seconds at level 16.

Lunara is a great butcher hard counter, she can avoid all of his kit easily. The chain has a 90 second CD, but Lunara needs to burn a 20 second CD for his chain and another 20 seconds for his charge. And even then she doesn’t have half the chain’s CD. How does the Butcher counter Lunara? That’s silly.

Lets see.


No way, lol.

No. Lunara can easily reach him from level 10 and with a special large shield, his shurikens tickle.

NO LOL. The worst on the list against Lunara.

No. Poison and E solve everything.

No. Her jumps clean the blind.

Nop, same with Johanna. In addition, Lunara can avoid Artanis’ E with another jump, keep distance with him and her movement speed saves her from the purifier beam; % damage at level 16 also helps a lot.

No. Her shield is horrible against the poison and it is difficult to hit the Qs while she has 20% of movespeed. Also note that Zarya will never be able to catch a good Lunara with her Ultimates.

I find heroes like Zul’Jin and Raynor to counter her fairly well.
I have picked LULnara in the past, thinking I can poison Zul’Jin while he’s in Taz’Dingo, so the poison would kill him as soon as he leaves it, but it doesn’t quite work that way - I eat up 3 basic attack axes just while jumping over him, which utterly destroys my HP and he just uses his E before Taz’Dingo is quite over.

May I introduce you to Xul?