Lunara Counters?

She is really strong in the right hands, anyone who can kite well with her is extremely annoying to play against. Plus the unstoppable gained with leaping strikes ive seen people avoid some hard dive and CC attempts.

So what counters her? Constant aoe heals like lucio? taunts and roots or just try and blow her up burst? She just seems so versitile and slippery, i havent really seen her shut down well.

Had one on my team last night impressively kite and use leaping strike so well she avoided most CC. Played vs a few lately that just wreck.




Lol i know you love butcher but she utterly destroyed him in the TL game we were in. Avoided charge with leaping strike and kited him. Made it look easy.


Any sort of AoE healing is a major counter for her, she’s a sustain damage character after all, and heroes like Lucio and Brightwing can ruin her day to deal an AoE poison spreading scheme.

For damage dealer side any sort of a diver like Greymane, Illidan can do the job.

Also blind = no poison from AA, CC is also really strong counter for her even though she has the unstoppable heroic.


Butcher’s not saying he hard counters Lunara he just loves the meat. Don’t you love venison as well?

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I’m not saying The Butcher on your team is bad, but statistically speaking- The Butcher on your team was bad. Take a tip to him on taking the 3 talents that make it easier to counter.

  • level 4 Flail Axe (Extends the length of hamstring by 40%) or Unrelenting pursuit ( lowers cooldown of Ruthless Onslaught upon impact by 33%)
  • level 10 Lamb of slaughter
  • level 16 Crippling slam (Hamstring no longer fades out, and it’s duration is increased by 40%)

He shouldn’t really have difficulties by just having one of these talents, but these talents do make it easier.

Anyways Lunara is a strange poke that chunks her damage over time, while other pokes can chunk in an instant. She’s annoying to face but she is out classed by other pokes who even counter her.

Lunara cares very little about the enemy armor and high health. She can toy with characters who have little to no mobility. Punishes clutches like Medivhs protect or Zul’jins Taz dingo. Negate heroes who rely heavily on speed making them easy team targets like lucio or illidan.

So what counters Lunara?
Any hero who can hit like a truck :truck: hence why it’s a little odd butcher loses.
Top Heroes who counter Lunara efficiently are:

  • Greymane
  • Zeratul
  • Diablo
  • Tyreal
  • Raynor
  • Genji
  • Kerrigan
  • Thrall
  • Whitemane
  • Valeera
  • Guldan
  • Jo
  • Artanis
  • Zarya

I haven’t played her in awhile but my mind is saying sticky mobile heroes like illidan and genji.
Illidan can constantly jump to you and genji can protect against your poisons while still sticking on you.

Lunara can kite butcher for days… I wouldn’t say hes a counter exactly but a fed butcher can destroy almost any hero.

Playing Fenix be like

Well it depends on what rank we are talking about :slight_smile:
As a Gold1-Plat4 HL player i rarely see any hero that gives Lunara a run for her points.
If i do run into a strong counter it’s mostly AA falstad, Zul’jin, Alextrasza, Ana, Raynor, Johana, Muradin, Garrosh.
These are the ones i found good vs Luna but only for a while.

Thing is about Luna is that her 13-16 and 20 Talents make her do just as much or evem more dmg than a Vile infection Naz. And i actually feel really dirty after landing a lvl 20 2x Splintered spear on the enemy team…and see as their HP goes under 50% under 3-4 sec.

So what i can say is, just try and blow her up as fast as possible. And i would suggest AA heroes cause Luna has GSS vs spell burst.

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Pick 2 strong frontliners with decent selfsustain and you zone her out from spreading poison to the backline. This way even Uther doesnt have problems against her because you heal 1-2 heroes tops.

Tracer can hold her deer food hostage.

Ranged AA, lets see her kite Raynor’s auto attack. and with her tiny health pool there’s no way she can out-trade Raynor, Raynor also has longer attack range than her, and to top it all off, has an on-demand heal to make her DoT irrelevant.
Of course, Valla and greymane also work as well, not quite the same as raynor, but still great.

Another decent counter is Lucio, because his normal healing is almost the same as Lunara’s DoT.

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If she takes Splintered Spear, blinds will go far to reduce her damage to manageable levels.

She is a frontline and mage melter which leaves you with ranged AA as the easiest counter.

I usually take CS Varian against her. CS + E +Q will one shot her.

Same goes for most melee assasins with high burst, like graymane.

As someone that loves playing Lunara, a late game Zeratul makes me hate life. That said, most of the roster can be killed by a well played Zeratul.

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Lunara has no place in the current meta. She is vulnerable to dive and CC and doesn’t bring anything awesome to the table.

The only thing to mention is that Lunara is good if you want to out-sustain a team with a healer like Uther or Tyrande. But the key will be to not die in the process of doing so…

I really hope most of the players will be on the same page like this :smiley:
As long as she is not considered Meta, those who know how power full she is will have the chance to play her :smiley:


You worry not, this game got many meta-sheeps.


Your talent choices are Garbo for butcher

Lunara is one of the worst ranged assassins in the game right now and a oneshoot target for a list of heroes that are constantly played. So if you play her in QM and are fine with her good. But in general no point of picking her often.

Be happy that there are 10 players left in this game that play a MOBA competitively to win and are not lootbox farmers.

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