Losing streak how to break

Been on a losing streak for awhile… but getting mvp a lot of games and it kinda sucks. How am I to break this? I get queing w/ others help, but I mainly play solo… just kinda bums me out when I’m trying my best and getting kills and winning teamfights, but in the end we lose and I get mvp… just feels demoralizing. : /


Escaping the randomness this mediocre matchmaker has to offer is the best thing to have a consistent winrate.


Could use a little more Information to give better advice like what game mode do you primarily play? If it’s ranked what rank are you and what characters do you play?


With the information given, you will get some general advices (that are still good to have such as don’t take the MVP screen to be any definite assessment). If you upload some replays and ask for advice, you could get more tailored advices. To upload games: https://api.heroesprofile.com/upload


just win u noob consider that

As Mamekan said, if you want some feedback that might be of more assistance, it would be best if you posted some replays of your recent matches.

I’m not one of them, but there are many people here on the forums who are current or former master/diamond players who will take the time to look over your replays and give you some specific advice on where you can improve.

On a personal note, I’ve also been on a bit of a losing streak, and while it’s difficult, I sometimes just have to accept that even if I’m playing my best, factors out of my control can still mean I might lose.

It’s frustrating, but most losing streaks eventually pass, until then, best of luck out there.

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The good thing is, games are getting easier the more you lose :wink:


I find that when solo queuing, to help improve your odds and really focus on winning, you have to be willing to pick heroes that can have some form of wave clear and a hero you are comfortable taking solo lane and rotating. At least early game when absorbing xp bubbles matters.

Eventually you want to team-up, especially for objectives… but you can learn a lot in the first couple minutes of a game whether teammates are grabbing a lane or whether they stay mid.

Too many people still playing this game that don’t understand the “soak” concept and how it can help you get that early level advantage which puts the momentum in your favor. I see it all the time when a teammate goes for a camp over the enemy creep wave pushing a tower.

Circling back to the original question, be observant of possible teammate mistakes on proper laning and fill in the gaps. Falstad is king here among a handful of others.


Winning team fights is only really helpful towards the end of the match when your team can make a significant push for the core since enemy will be down for a while.

As others have said, soak EXP in lanes and go for objectives when starting out. Pushing lanes will also put pressure on towers and keep enemies busy.

Pick talents that will counter enemy picks and heroes. You can attempt to shut down a high price hero with your picks.

Staying mid just to brawl won’t give you the exp edge.


Pray to the Forced 50% Gods


The only advice that will help is to find a team. All other tips won’t help ye win alone, but in a team, yes.

Last time I played with a team I lost more than I did by myself.

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If vs AI wasn’t so brutally easy (especially compared to the state it was in before the “biology major” ““improved”” it) I’d be more interested in playing it.

Ye need a training, at least minimum teamplay of listening pings and focus one target.

Don’t need pings when you’re in voice chat.

I played several seasons in both heroes Lounge and NGS. I don’t think I need training.
Being in a team doesn’t make you win 100% of your games. You won’t be the only team around.


This game can be frustrating like that. I think I’ve had a losing streak of over 15 before in QM.
The truth is that this is a team game. It’s not like SplitGate where you are put on a team of four, but by skill alone, you can get more than half the winning points in a match.
In Heroes, you can be the best Zeratul player that exists, and constantly be put against teams where each enemy can easily stun you out of doing anything meaningful.

Ping is faster than words, and words distract and interfere with concentration.

Never been the case for me as long as I’ve been alive. I hear words and conversations every day. If it bothered my concentration, I couldn’t do anything.

Besides, most things that would require pings are things everyone on the team knew and didn’t need to be told. You can’t communicate a change in strategy through pings.

Take a break from the game. Play something else, when you’re tilted it’s important to realize when you’re getting frustrated with the game.

Playing ARAM or trying out a hero you haven’t played is also suggestion.

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you will never advance in solo que, matchmaking literally disallows it by “balancing” teams, the better you do the worse teammates you get, if youre good and they give you good teammates it would be unfair to the other team, they have to give good players bad teammates other wise it would be disbalanced with your side too heavy with good players.The only way around this is to form your own teams to bypass the forced 50% win rate mechanism. Dont let the matchmaking choose shat players to screw you, choose your own team. I guarantee it is the only way to advance as they have a 50% forced win rate built in.Do well solo que and I guarantee you the system feeds you throws and trolls to lower your win rate, and try to get you to carry them to increase theirs.Ive been here since alpha testing, I guarantee it.

Your ‘guarantee’ means nothing, and instead of offering on-point and useful advise, (OP didn’t ask to climb, gj on that d20 reading check) you spout the bronze-associated superstitions.

Match does not “literally” disallow climbing, a number of select people “climb” on a routine basis – for ranked – but since the game is in decline is generally only populated by smurfs showing they smurf, and stagnant players that keep blaming the same things over and over again.

To ‘climb’ a ‘skill-based’ ladder, one would need to improve, rather than keep on doing the same things over and over again. However, since the OP wasn’t particular about what they are playing (mode, hero, role, etc etc) your disconnected rant about ELO-hell does more to devalue your opinion than provide some magic authoritative weight you imagined it to have with a one-off post claiming to be from alpha.

Being from ‘alpha’ may simply mean that you peaked 10 years ago and haven’t adapted from when the game has “Paths” or artifacts back in 2014 :person_shrugging: