Loosing Streak is getting out of hand

I am currently on a 12 loss streak. My ability to play has not changed. I feel like this is snowballing and wrecking my hard fought mmr. Last season i was able to get to around plat 1. Now im freaking silver 1. This is not okay as my game experience is getting progressively worse. I keep getting matched with people that do not understand the heros they play and basic map awareness. Leading into more losses. Fix this some how. I am at the point now where i feel like there was a hidden “fix” or the match making is now so messed up. I should not be getting the games im getting.

If you get to gold 5 we could team up

Every single season i go through the same thing. Big winning streak => overranked => losing streak => underranked => smaller winning streak and my rank stabilizes.

Imo its normal when you get close to your true rank.

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Which mode did you get this twelve game losing streak on?

I only play qm. I am hoping everyone is right with this bs of a system. I get mmr is needed, but still I should not be getting placed with people that have barely played. So frustrating to want to continue playing. I have never had this happen to me before. So I guess its just the new season wanting to bend me over and do w/e it feels like to my rank.

Go play Ranked where you more control due to knowing which heroes your enemy team picks and the map you will be playing on in advance

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So I guess its just the new season wanting to bend me over and do w/e it feels like to my rank.

The two of these don’t mix… There is no rank in QM, just MMR.

And MMR averaging is very volatile in QM, it can throw a 1500 together with a 3500.

Wont happen in Storm League (unless you’re on one of the small servers where silvers must play with diamonds).

As said above if you want more control over your matches, play a draft mode with picks, bans and meta comps.

i understand that it does not contain a rank and only mmr. but given several tools, i can get a general sense of where my rank would be. as for the randomness of it, is my issue. what ever the upper and lower limits are need to be tightened on the back end. queueing for ranked takes way too long. also same issue will and has had occured in previous seasons. like i said its a flawed system, because now my mmr is so tanked i feel like i might as well just uninstall the game. the under the hood system shouldn’t force me to play a game mode i dont enjoy. that is not an indication of a balanced or fair system then. all i am saying is the expanding search thing needs to be better tuned so this doesnt happen to other people. which i know it does. mmr should not factor in win or loss period: it should be solely based on the individual players ability. or change the weight of the match loss/win to where it barely matters. snow balling a loosing streak is not supposed to be a thing. and to say just go play ranked is just accepting a broken system and not doing anything about it.

They will not fix this game at this point. I have lost all interest in playing it for the same reason. I lost 14 games in a row and have fallen from diamond 1 to plat 2 all cause of trolls and players arguing in chat. Its absurd to be matched with the same players over and over again knowing they are gonna throw the game and blizzard does nothing about this.

Just dont play anymore, No sense in thinking a dead game is gonna be saved.

Dude - you’re not getting placed with people who have barely played. You’re getting wacked out team comps. Have you never had a bad game where you just couldn’t break out?

Play ranked or team so you have more control over roster.

Ive seen games where they have not played a single game of heroes in 1-2 years, no ranked, qm anything but then they are in ranked as if they have not lost any ranks over the years. You should never be placed in diamond or higher when you have no rank.

It is not looss so why is it loosing?

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I’ve always been stable until this season. This is the first time I’ve had a win rate below 50%.

In my defense though, I’ve had an unusually high amount of clueless team mates this season. As well as low level players who didn’t own enough heroes to draft properly.

There’s your problem. Don’t expect anything balanced in there.

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Every account should start in Bronze 5 every year with a complete reset done for all accounts for all forms of MMR

Climbing would actually show a player’s real skill then

Thats a horrible idea. If i had to play in bronze-gold every season id quit the game and just occasionally reinstall for a qm game. Soft resets maybe but ill take an over ranked gold player in plat any day over a mix of diamond/gold/bronzies all on the same team.

If you can’t rise to the rank you have now from the very bottom you are unworthy of it

It’d take months to climb up back to my original rank. I’d for sure quit ranked if every 3 months we got a reset. Even once a year is too much for me

Once a year is when it should happen

If you lack the determination to climb to the rank you think you deserve in one whole year you are unworthy of it

Your suggestion would kill ranked. For me there’s no fun in being artificially bumped down over and over back to bronze 5 in order to climb all the way to wherever I am now.

A suggestion that’d make ranked more competitive while still realistic would be limiting to duos and a ONE TIME ranked reset but even then HOTS players will complain

Only for weaklings that lack determination

Elite players like this guy can rise all the way to Grand Master from Bronze 5:

If he can rise all the way to Grand Master from Bronze 5, less capable players have no excuse to refuse to get the rank they think they deserve other than being weak-willed