Look what they did to poor Maiev!

Look what they did to her cruel chain! I’m sad I won’t be able to blow up single targets anymore. It was a fun build that rewarded risk early with huge value later. I think they want her to be a pure team fighter since this really kills her late game solo fighting.


Bit odd. Maeive works with a coordinated team but they removed master teamleague, so its weird they are going this direction. I espected her to have a bit more selfdependence

maeive main but I fail so hard now without allies I can trust.


I loved the chain build. It was easily my favorite build with huge upside if you were good. Now she feels like a poky team fighter but without the massive burst she had before. Getting more than one-two chains post 16 is not going to be easy without help from your team.

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Rip chain build.


It’s really sad because the whole chaining enemies down is core to her identity. Early on it’s just displacement for the team to follow up on. If you went chain build before she could snowball late game with enough good chains to allow her more damage regardless of the number of chained targets. Now it’s just a team fighting tool…

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They just killed her. She REALLY needs rework now
W build was the only build players can do real dmg. It was hard to do, every1 with CC (stun, blind, silence) could interrupt you, and you had to do your 1st lvl talent (also hard to do agaist skill players). W skill can also be parried and dodged so you gain nothing even with exelent position and engage
Now Maiev is just a creep without self sustain, her dmg is really bad and poorly realizable, her Q skill also does not do any dmg if the enemy team has some brain. Maiev can rely on CC from her team to do some dmg, because she has no way to inflict guaranteed, significant and safe damage.
She’s not needed even to pull enemies, qhira is much better
I dont see any reason to pick Maiev anymore
Sorry, eng not my native language


Maiev was the character I loved to play. The last 50 games I played only Maiev
I liked her visual effects and mechanics, although I recognized blizz should buff or rework her. Compared to some other melee assasins she lacked of mobility (Zera-4-blinks), sustain or selfdependence
Now the main task of Maev is to provide another characters with the opportunity to attack, sacrificing her life. Great concept for a character
No more wish to enter Hots :confused:
P.S. My condolences to all Maiev mainers
And again sorry for my eng

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Main maiev (platinum/diamond), i quit the game. Deleted heroes folder 5 minutes ago. I tired to have my favourite pgs (samuro, the other main) nerfed in 2 patch. Do u want a mongo game? Not with me. Bye


I wont enter the game til they rework her

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Of course they ruined her most interesting, skill based build. Of course they did. Why would I ever expect the HotS team to do otherwise at this point.

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I kind of understand why they wanted to change it. It offers so much burst but it comes at huge risk. They made two talents near impossible to use for high tier game play. I just hate that they killed the chain build without a full rework.

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There is not any reason to do this. In a game carried by ranged heroes, every single high skilk high reward of melee pg have been nerfed. Please blizzard, revert this and let maiev be funny again.


i dont remember what exactly the tooltip said before, can someone post it?
i just know it was the core of the one-shot builld.

Umbral Bind grants 25% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds. In addition, each time Maiev deals damage to tethered targets, Umbral Bind’s pull damage to all targets is increased by 30%, up to 150%.

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Before the talent worked like this: Umbral Bind grants 25% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds. In addition, each time Maiev deals damage to tethered targets, Umbral Bind’s pull damage to all targets is increased by 30%, up to 150%.

The new talent: Umbral Bind grants 25% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds, and its pull damage is increased by 30% for each tethered target beyond the first, up to 120%.

Before you could maximize pull damage by dealing physical damage to the target before completing the pull. Now you can’t. The only want to increase the damage is to tether more heroes.

This nerfs Maiev’s damage significantly since it only applies the damage when more targets are tethered. In many games you are not going to get many multi tethers post level 16, so the damage bonus is much weaker and situational now.

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OH DUDE. i feel the same, I Main her for about 7 months straight… and yeah, i dont feel like playing HotS anymore too, it was the only hero i enjoyed so much, i can play her for 300 games in a row without getting bored once… so… i dont know what will happen now, i am completely lost, mad and disgusted

I made a post recently about this too, it is a shame, she was fine, but they had to nerf it