Longboat Raid & Ley Line Seal Interaction

I would like to report an interaction between TLV’s Longboat Raid ultimate & Medivh’s Ley Line Seal.

When TLV uses Longboat Raid and gets hit by Ley Line Seal, the Longboat Raid duration continues to count down. The ultimate is NOT paused. Therefore, the vikings respawn early creating a duplicate of the vikings running alongside the longboat. After all the durations have passed, the new set of vikings disappear when the longboat expires.

This creates a duplicate set of vikings as seen in the following link:
clips .twitch .tv/ TenaciousProtectiveWasabiTheTarFu

Twitch .tv/ SharlitElise


Can safely assume there are issues with Chromie, Maiev, Mei and Zeratul as well, since they all share spells that follow the same time stop mechanics.

for convenience