I thought you get the benefit for every hit on enemy hero (5x20), but on death you just lose your progress, if you don’t reach 20 stacks, in addition you get 100 more damage, if you complete it to the maximum of 200.
Can’t wait devs add items into Hots after loan talents.
Why should they do it? What’s the connection between loan talents and items?
Loan talent is like an item what is temporary (Aegis of the Immortal from Dota 2) or what can dropped after death (Divine Rappier or Gem of true Sight).
As long as you don’t die, they are fine. But we all know that average Hots player dies a lot no matter what.
With Loan talents, you get snowballed even harder because you lose your talent’s value too, not only exp, buildings and map control.
If devs want more snowball, give us support items to control it.
This isn’t true. You don’t lose talents by dying, but your talent version becomes weaker, if you die a lot. That’s why it’s stupid to compare it to Divine Rappier or Aegis of the Immortal.
For example, if Johanna will choose “Divine Fortress” that means she will get 20% extra health, but she also has her ability to stack armor for AAs. The second part of the talent isn’t lost, when you die. In fact you only lose slowly your health bonus. (5% for each death). This talent will be just like Reinforce without 20% extra health, but weaker, because it’s harder to get your armor stacked using AA’s than just pressing abilitys and get armor for that.
That’s the problem. A talent becomes weaker. Your hero becomes weaker after each death.
Dota also has talents but there is no such thing like Loan talent.
And I would like to NOT have an option to make my hero weaker after each death. Especially I would like if my teammates don’t have such options.
Then shall we remove Alarak from the game? He’s even more extreme than this loan talents.
From master player’s average death on patch 2.53
Johanna: 2.77
Valla: 3.14
Raynor: 2.87
Stitches: 3.03
For a winning team, I assume the numbers are 66% of that value.
So, it drops to below 2 deaths for them.
Losing a single loan stack or 2 is still worth taking if you’re confident of taking advantage of that powerful early game talent.
That’s entire point of a hero. And he can get his sadism back again and again and take other talents to get even more sadism.
Unlike with Loan talents. After u lost everything, u won’t get it back no matter what. Unlike Alarak’s sadism.
So it’s a bad comparison.
I didn’t talk about master rank exactly. I was talking about whole playerbase.
Would u like to share average death number of bronze, silver, gold, plat and even diamond ranks? Maybe even from unranked draft?
True, but it contradicts with what you said “I don’t want my hero to get weaker by death”.
In addition to his trait he even has:
Hasty Bargain: Activate to permanently reduce Alarak’s Sadism by 4% and reset the cooldowns of his Basic Abilities.
This talent is even more extreme than the new loan talents, because lose it for reset his abilitys while Anub’arak lose nothing.
I don’t think devs balance the game around lower than diamond, which I’m totally fine with it.
Ok, let me be more correct.
I don’t want my or ally’s hero to become weaker after death with no possibility to get his power back.
It’s high skill 20 lvl talent. People have entire game to think 10 times or more before taking it. Otherwise it will be a waste of resources and 20 lvl what will lead to hard lose.
Some players pick Tide of Sin or Longboat Raid and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. They pick it and it’s irreversible.
If this talents fails on live servers and don’t work how the devs think it would, they could still change it like you want it to be. This is still an option.
Sorry, but that is ridiculous. Just because one talent is at 20 and the other at 1, doesn’t mean it’s different. People can pick crap at 1 (best example convection) and fail with it like they can fail with picks at 20
Even though it’s a loan talent is actually comparable to Convection. If a KT dies a lot, he won’t get this quest done and it’s even more useless.
It’s not an anomaly. They have told us already those talents are going to stay in game
It’s not. People don’t want to waste their “precious” time to think more than 10 seconds about 1 lvl choice.
Example - enemies have someone with 4 AA/sec and my ally goes block. Waste of 1 lvl already.
I know, but for some reason you struggle to understand what I wrote. It’s still a talent and the devs can still add the option that you can earn your loan back, if the concept as it is fails and perform worse than the devs expect it.
cough Convection cough
That is true, but it’s a pretty minor benefit. The loan talents all offer something huge up front which Convection isn’t really comparable to. What is a tiny bit of unscaling damage going to do after losing your Convection stacks? Far less than any of the loans.
No. No you don’t. You literally do not get any weaker. You just get closer to the baseline.
And that’s the entire point of loan talents. Why is that “that’s the point” automatically good?
If it makes people feel better 2 attacks per second stutter step valla is double edged, the deaths are almost meaningless till the 3rd unless you are just standing still for value (which result in you dying more).
No I’m dead serious, you are unlikely to find yourself stuttering for 2 attacks per second, that some of these penalties are really not impressive.
Wait Tide of Sin is considered a troll talent? Shall I stop picking it ;( …