List Two Heroes that are Actually the Same Person/Entity

Rehgar and thrall, one is restoration shaman and the other is an enhancement.

Same class, diff flavors

Misha is actually a bear form Malfurion.


Sonya and Zarya radiate the same energy.

Theyā€™d probably get along pretty well, but not without at least one arm-wrestling match.

Same naming convention too.


And Zarya has a Barbarian skin in Overwatch that looks quite similar to Sonya


The Raven Lord has the same voice actor like Orochimaru in Naruto.
And Jaina Proudmoore is Tsunade.
Nazeebo is Lord Voldemort. xD

In German version.

Riight! I remember it.
If Iā€™ve heard his voice just recently again in an old game. In Star Wars Empire at war.
Itā€™s the same with Anke Reitzenstein. Her voice is so recognisable that I will always remember her work with Kerrigan and Seven of Nine! Another coincidence

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I- excuse me? Thats soā€¦ weird!

Ah and I forgot, Arthas Menethil is Dr. Strange. :smile:

And he is the Mandalorian

I can do you one better. Murky shares his voice actor with Gravemind from Halo.


Li-Ming and Kaelā€™thas.

Because theyā€™re basically the mirror version of each others in the body of the opposite gender. In other words, Kaelā€™thas is basically the male version of Li-Ming, and vice versa.

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brightwing and deathwing, i heard are cousins.

Only if you apply the DW skin to Brightwing.


its like dr evil and minime lolol


Iā€™d say Deathwing and Alexstraza are brother and sister. Deathwing is the bringer of death and Alexstraza is the bringer of life.

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