List of things that need to be added to the game

No i’m not gonna complain about Heroes gameplay. Hots is my favorite game actually. but i feel like items listed below Need to be added to the game (Not as fast as possible considering the dev team’s number of members drained):
1-A new Overwatch hero (Latest was Hanzo, Also i know they confirmed that there will be one in the future. just not sure who and when)
2-A new Starcraft hero (But after the new Overwatch hero, Also Fenix was Latest)
3-A new battleground (Latest was Alterac Pass)
4-A new PvE event (I mean everyone liked that. so it’ll be good to see one in the future)
5-A new Play of the game feature (Tho this one is kinda unnecessary. so i won’t insist on this one. just a lil idea)
Now onto the list of things that i’m sure they won’t be in the game but i’ll just give my idea:
1-The old stealth (Well. people don’t seem to like it but anyway)
2-The old towers ammo (Tbh with its removal, structures are destroyed much faster as i have seen)
3-Let the heroes dev team have more members :rage: (This has been a serious problem and blizzard (not heroes dev team) seems to want this game to die.

Btw: Please make the events last less longer. they last for too long (Especially the toys event)

Alright. i’m done.


That kinda sounds like you want to go back to 2015, 2016 and 2017

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Well. people keep complaining about the new things. weren’t things good back then?


Well, I never complained about the new things of the game, I’m okay with all that.


I meant people in general. (If you never complained about it, that’s cool).

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Welcome to humanity. Personally, I like most of the changes, although some took a while to get used to. Things like towers not having ammo were overall good for the game, although people who played heroes like Zagara would likely disagree.

The old stealth was problematic because it wasn’t a level playing field. I have vision problems (I have worn glasses since the 6th grade and contacts for sports since I have an issue with astigmatism in my left eye that contacts can’t fully correct), could only reliably see stealth under certain conditions. On a bright map with a consistent background, like Sky Temple, I rarely missed a stealthy. On a dark map with a textured background, like Garden of Terror, I would pretty much never spot it. It wasn’t a l2p issue, it was a “you are physically unfit” issue. I did try changing my resolution and graphics settings, but to no avail. Towers of Doom, Garden of Terror, downstairs in Haunted Mines, all of those areas were places I simply could not see stealth.


Oh. I now understand the reason of stealth rework. thanks for telling me.


I feel like this will solve most of the issues with the game currently. The rest will fall into place with a bigger dev team.


I updoot cuz I agree with 6 out of the 8 here.

I don’t think reverting some certain changes would be ideal for the game itself considering that it has changed dramatically after this point tbh.


Definitely agree with the need for new maps and a new event. I think there are still some Starcraft heroes that could be added to the game and still add a unique playstyle and flavor to the game. I do disagree on some of your other points.

Disagree if that hero will by another hypermobile mosquito. We have enough hypermobile heroes that bounce all over the screen and break the basic movement rules every other hero has to follow.

Many people already dislike the MVP screen. This would be perceived by many as more “clutter” (politely put). The development time on this would be significant as well. I’d rather see it used on higher priorities.

Absolutely not. The new version is much better, and doesn’t simply work as a penalty to certain graphics settings or people with visual deficits of various types.

Nope. Push heroes are strong enough already without limited tower ammo. Towers should be a legitimate threat requiring a concerted effort to attack. They should not be trivialized by self-healing mechanics, shields/invulnerability, or summons.


Inb4 stealth mains dropping in “This is the whole point of stealth”.
I will never not like the stealth changes, they also levelled the playing field between bronze and masters. No too long ago there was even a professional match in which Valeera was picked. Unthinkable before.



The Overmind!

Erm… what is a PvE event? You mean… PvE Brawl, like Escape from Braxis or what was its name?
If yes, YAS! Those Brawls were more fun for me than the ARAMs.

Yea… it’s kinda sad to have it even in April despite how much I like free lootchests.

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  • friendly fire !
  • map editor ( like sc2)
  • story mode
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Personally i think that would be awesome (and makes Hots even Unique-er) but teams will instantly die before the game even starts if teammates hate each other to death :sweat_smile:


Boom. perfection. but i feel like the story mode needs more heroes (especially from Overwatch and Starcraft) and it needs a good plot which involves with every playable franchise (Including Nexus itself)


Oh please no, never! I love you, but not this, maybe for a brawl instead?

Why not.

Blizz said somewhere VS AI is the most played mode after QM, so I imagine lots of those players would welcome this.

I would not hurt at all. Some kind of marketing would help the game and probably a more reliable monetization system for the game to make a profit.

  • HotS tutorial that awards boxes.

I really don’t think we need a new map.

I like you too Minky , but i need this …sure i’ll settle for a brawl i guess :smirk:


I’d play 100x more if this was a thing. So much creative potential since you’re not limited to a single universe and with ‘nexus originals’ being a thing, you could add in certain characters in the story so that when they’re released, no one is like, “BOOO, we don’t want this no name hero!”

Imagine seeing an awesome cinematic after completing a chapter, featuring characters from different universes in one place? TAKE MY MONEY!

In fact, this is how HotS should have generated their revenue rather than skins and gems. They could have released new stories every season that you could buy with cash or you could simply play the game as a PvP moba for free.

Stories could intro on how the characters arrived at the nexus and even with a full roster, you could pair a few heroes together to weave that storyline. For instance, one season’s story could feature a SC campaign with different chapters featuring a different SC hero until their storylines converge at the finale and destination to the nexus.

The nexus originals could be characters that are established residents of the nexus and there could be cool stories of how they make initial contact with the newcoming characters. For instance, Qhira could be out in a forest stalking a bounty when a portal opens up that introduces the SC characters to Qhira. Some first encounters my feature a confrontation, others could have good characters join the dark side when they are taken in by a villainous nexus original. etc.

So many ideas for this but unfortunately, the HotS team is too small to implement something as large as this.

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Whats funny is the game didnt do well when it had all those things: more devs, heroes a week, new maps, old stealth, ammo, play of the game features. Like, this game had all that and it floundered. Why add it now?

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I’m all in for this type of brawl :joy:

Mei, Zenyatta, Orisa, etc. There are dozens of non-hypermobile heroes from Overwatch. I think Tracer and Genji are the only hypermobiles from Overwatch (Hanzo can only jump over terrain. this isn’t really a hypermobility)

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