Li Li's annoying interaction with clones on her team

Hey. I play Li Li a lot and there is one particular annoying interaction her healing abilities have with clones.

Her Healing Brew (Q) and the Jug of 1,000 Cups (R) both target the lowest Health allied hero in range. However, when playing with Nova, Samuro etc. on the team, it really harms her ability to heal her team, when her abilities heal the clones instead of heroes, which is always going to be preferable.

My suggestion is simple. Make these abilities prioritize heroes first, THEN clones.

Didn’t post this under “bugs” because it’s not a bug. Clones are treated as heroes for all purposes etc. But this is a unique interaction where one specific hero’s ability to play their role is heavily reduced by having other, specific champions on the same team.


This is not ideal either since it immediately gives away what hero is the real one.

I personally would choose a different healer hero in this situation, one where the heals can be targeted or that heal everyone at the same time.


I think 9 times out of 10 id prefer to heal the actual hero.


It isn’t really as game breaking as it seems at first. I wouldn’t prefer clone images to become non-friendly targetable as it would make it impossible to attach a cloud serpent or even Rehgar’s lightning shield to them. Speaking of Rehgar and clones, I never noticed it to be much of a problem for his chain-heal either, as is has the tendency to soak up precious output from a crowd.

There’s a whole other pool of primarily support heroes who benefit from the increased team body count. It would seem vey counter productive to think of this as a bug. If anything, Lili could benefit much more from a self-cast modifier to ALWAYS prioritize healing on her even over all other friendly targets with much less health who are within range, but this could possibly make her too powerful.

9 times out of 9, I would prefer a healer other than Li Li. :wink:


Use the big boy ult, Dragon

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Likewise, which speaks to Li Li’s lack of viability in ranked matches. I’ll confess, I do still enjoy playing Li Li (I think she’s my 5th most played hero), as she’s easy, and I like the challenge of trying to make niche/underperforming heroes effective in my games. Having said that, I can’t remember the last time I picked Li Li in Ranked, even after bans, there usually are far better picks on the board than Li Li.

In an ideal situation, Li Li would be due for a rework. I’m still uncertain how they would accomplish this, and keep her new player friendly and/or retain some of her current play style.

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I get why this is annoying, but this isn’t exclusively to clones and why people that say just mash Q on lili probably only do OK.

I am not, at all, saying lili is some sort of high skilled hero, but in a battle you do need to position yourself so you heal the person who needs healing. Sometimes the 75% person will get the preference depending on where you’re at but you want to heal the 25% person so you have to position yourself in that way.

Absolutely support it!

Ackshually, you know the one healed is the clone.

Heroes constantly regenerate health, and the Q prioritises by health percentage.
Clones are created with health matching the hero.
And they are positioned in harm’s way, taking minion damage, etc.
Meaning, normally, the hero has higher health than the clone, so the clone gets the heal.

What I do about it (as Li Li) is I ping danger (up to a few occasions) after healing the clone, and Nova most usually gets aware of it. I can also choose to wait with healing a little bit.

Also, in my experience W is the stuff anyway.
So when healing clones is significant issue enough, it’s already uphill.
That would be a kind of match where it’s four assassins and a healer on each team. In which case, Nova really should roam and snipe and hearth.

I play a lot of LiLi and always knew this, but ever since the samurassaince I’ve noticed it more. I don’t really know if it’s something that needs changing, as even a healed clone still provides value, but I wouldn’t complain if it changed either.

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They sure did do it with BW so they can figure it out!

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Yeah same reason I won’t heal with whitemane if there’s a samuro on my team. One of his stupid clones will suck up a critical zeal and we will lose a big team fight. Some healers just have anti synergy with some heroes.

What anti synergy are you talking about and what do you mean by critical zeal? If anything, higher number of active zeals only makes her stronger. Even if you manually cast a heal on an image instead of real Samuro, you aren’t penalized as hard as most other target-click healers. Even Rejuvenation has a cooldown while Desperate Plea does not.

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