LFM Storm League (EU)

Hello there, fellow Storm Leaguers!

We are four danes looking for anyone with any skill level to play storm league with. We are a group that values fun and enyoyment while still aiming for a win. If you are that kind of a guy that likes to blame, whine and shout: Ignore this post.

If you are a person who is low on ranking, but willing to listen and challenge your self to be better, we can surely help you.
If you are a person who is high in ranking and want to try us out, feel free to ask for an invite.
Basicly, we are looking for anyone to fill that last spot but also, some of us might not be able to play “all the time”, so having people on “bench” now and then will be good, so don’t be afraid if we have “found” that last spot.

We will be using a discord server, where anyone hearth minded towards HotS can use, ask for invite for it anytime and you are in.

All of this is fairly new and we hope we are getting a nice little community out of it, primaly for ranked - but quick matches, aram and other modes of gameplay is welcome as well!
The League days will be random and on sign up, most likely from 19:00 Paris time to 1-2 hours in.

Add me anytime: EsHotSock#2567

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I would like to join if there still is a spot?

I’m mostly Diamon-platin rank and i enjoy QM and ARAM too.
I hope to have fun and maybe working together for a good teamwork.


maybe we can play together
Im From Indonesia plays HOTS for more then 3 years, but i change a server account from NA to EU, cause of latency issue

Added you, looking for team to level and play / have fun with (also learn in the process)