Next week we’ll get a content patch with several items seen here
But in this thread I’d like to talk about the collection system itself and see what others think.
The TL;DR version is, the last 2 times the collection had updates it was a mess, and we have reached a point where seasonal items and other existing stuff should just be available in the store all year long.
(disclaimer: wall of text ahead)
Going back to a year ago around Hogger’s release, someone at Blizz decided not to update the collection on a regular basis, only along content patches. Ever since several ‘limited-time’ items have been unavailable. Also before this point, they stopped doing new seasonal content.
Around this time a pink bike with placeholder name appeared for free and was then removed, but apparently it caused several items to be locked for those who already owned them. This has been reported but not solved yet.
Because the first 2021 ranked season was extended, the Winter stuff lasted way long that it should have (until May) and the old Spring items didn’t appear as their own ‘event’, but in combination with Summer’s, and many of them were unavailable to craft/buy. However many people (myself included) have found a few of these items in the Summer lootboxes.
That month there was supposed to be a bundle with several OW cosplay skins, but it never happened. Also the pink bike returned and disappeared again. Also also, we never got anything for the 6th anniversary but it seems they are doing something for the 6.5th next week, so there’s that.
And because the current season was also extended, the old Fall items have not been available yet (“where the Halloween event”). The best we can hope for is another seasonal combo next week. So:
- We aren’t getting new seasonal content, and the old stuff is not available on its own at the right time
- Some of the old seasonal content is exclusive to lootboxes (thus you have to be lucky to get it)
- Some of the existing ‘limited-time’ content is not available
- And we can’t use some owned items because bugs
We still have to see what happens next Monday(Tuesday?), if the locked mounts and skins are fixed, and how many months the season will last. But since the game is in maintenance and we can’t expect seasons to get shorter, I think it’s time for the collection to have a big change, probably not this time, but the next one, essentially making all seasonal and ‘limited-time’ available to buy or craft at any time of the year.
Personally I’d also get rid of the lootboxes, as in, no more boxes for levelling or buying, just let people open the owned ones and use the shards til they last. But since it was the main reason for the 2.0 update, this might be too much from both a technical and business point of view. At the very least, no item should be ‘lootbox-only’.
Pat yourself in the back for all that reading >_< In any case I hope there is some people interested in talking about it and maybe someone from Blizz will take it into consideration for the future next year? If the game is still around…