Let the timer count in minutes instead of seconds

The “Estimated Wait” and “Elapsed Time” should convert to minutes at some point… and then to hours, please. I don’t want to have to math to see how many minutes 4,559 seconds is.

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You must be new here, few think of the estimated wait time as anything but that, estimated.


My issue isn’t that it’s estimated, my issue is that it’s always in seconds. You think I’m new because you misread my statement? Classic.

What will it matter? The point is the estimation is often way off, so how is it any better if it’s in minutes vs seconds? Most of the time it isn’t at all accurate. Like many progress bars, it’s really just there for the user to know something is “working.”


Time elapsed isn’t off, and I’d like to know how long I’ve been in queue. And no, the estimated wait is helpful. It said I had 400 something seconds and I got my queue in 400 something seconds.

Alright, personally it doesn’t matter to me. I also haven’t found the estimated wait times to be very close, especially if you’re in a party of five. I’m glad it’s accurate for you, but that is not my experience at all.

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I got so used to long timers I can already do the math fast in my head. Sadly, HotS is the first game that made me actively think 3600 seconds is 1 hour :smiley:

And it’s never accurate. I had an estimate of 600s and got an Extended Search game in 30s. Another time estimate was 5 seconds and I waited 30+ minutes.

Those fastest games which start instantly after Extended Search are the worst in quality, so I’d actually rather not play them.

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I can’t help but wonder in what circumstances you can get such wait times. How?

I’m aussie so our situation isn’t that good with the number of players. But I dab into US sometimes for better que times.

See this, it happens to us even in SL sometimes.


The reality of the situation is, there’s a few dozen active ranking players here. It’s extremely low. I can tell all of them by name. The system puts them all in the same match, even if some are bronze and some are master. For QM it’s maybe a couple hundred active players.

I’d play on EU, which still has thousands of ranked players but the ping is impossible to overcome. US is a good alternative with decent player numbers.

Merging time into min/hours wont help a thing. Why do you care that its in min insteed of sec. Its the same.

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I would just add a step that when it exceeds 600 seconds, it displays ‘over 10 minutes’ and no accurate value anymore. At that point the value cant be accurate enough anyway.

It’s always been odd to me that the timer counts in second’s past the 60s mark. It’s like saying my son is 492 months old…no one should be referring to age in this way after a certain point so why refer to minutes and hours in seconds after the 60 second mark? I thought we made minutes and hours to make time-maths easier yeah? (shrugs)

Also our b-net apps shows off how long we’ve been in a game / match in minutes and hours why can’t the estimated wait times do so too?

I know I’ve seen other estimated wait timers show in minutes and hours at amusement parks so our in-game timers have no excuse to only show in seconds.