Leave Dragon Shire alone

Just incase you get any ideas to rework Dragon Shire, stop and read this post first.

Leave it alone Blizzard. Leave it alone.


Same for Towers of Doom.

Do. Not. Touch. It.


too late blizzard is already hard at work destroying your cherised maps.


Dragon Shire will probably get something to shorten game lengths but I doubt it will get a full rework, just something to make sure games don’t hit that 30 minute mark.

DS and ToD are probably the most balanced maps in the game, don’t worry. No one is complaining about them like they were complaining about GoT.


Yeah um, there were 2 topics here complaining about ToD iirc.

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3 Dragon Knights pushing down the lanes incoming, yay.

The only only question that remains is, which items do you collect in this generic Cursed Hollow palette swap?


Sun and Moon artifacts, they are found in the shrine areas :thinking:


Are they interchangeable or do you need a specific amount of each? Say 3 moon and 2 sun?

I don’t think we need to fear any of the balanced maps (like ToD, DS, probably Volskaya neither).
I fear BHB because I like that map, sorry ><

every week or so i see a topic complaining about towers of doom.

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Yes, every time an objective appears you can collect a moon and a sun, if you collect 3 moons and 2 suns you get 3 dragon knights walking in all 3 lanes.

Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


I hope collecting the 3rd sun makes your progress reset, can´t have your 3 Dragon Knights without having at least some strategy. And for the losing team it carries over, as anti-snowball mechanic.

better yet change it so capturing a shrine on towers of doom sets 3 raven lords/crypt keeper down the lanes.


Going by recent comic events it should probably be 3 Raven Lords demolishing the lanes.

Who’s the real dad of the 3 dragons on dragon shire? :thinking:

3 deathwings. i will accept no other substitute.

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dEaTh WiNg CoNfIrMeD nExT hErO?!?!?

I gotta give y’all props. I don’t know how you guys don’t hate dragon shire. It’s my least favorite map and it’s all I get hahaha

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I guess the king, aka Lady of Thorns species-changed husband, had something else running after his transformation.