You’re job will vary from hero to hero but the general gist of it is as follows.
Keep your buddies alive and facilitate kills.
Oh and don’t die while doing it.
That’s it.
Okay fine, some explanation… You are there to peel and cc the heck out of whatever threatens your damage dealers.
And when you aren’t covering them then you’re helping them kill things by either locking em down or putting them in a crappy situation.
Now as for the finer points of when to engage.
1: Gauge weather or not you’ll get anything you actually need out of it.
Objectives, camps, bosses, money, ganks before objectives… Crap like that.
2: Gauge weather or not you’re in a good position to engage.
Example: If you’re out numbered five to three you are not in a good position…
If you have a your whole team at your back their ults up then you are in a sweet position to engage.
If that first one is a YES then weigh it against that second one BEFORE YOU ENGAGE.
If that first one is a NO then DO NOT ENGAGE!
If that second one is a YES then weight it against the first thing BEFORE YOU ENGAGE
If the second one is a NO then DO NOT ENGAGE!
And lastly we have Beginner tanks.
Diablo: High health good CC and the ablity to move opponents around to where YOU want them.
Dibs can really live up to that lord of terror thing.
Muradin: he’s tough, he recovers pretty quick, he has killer mobility and stuns.
Guy can initiate, peel and disengage like a pro.
Jack of all trades in my opinion.
Arthas: this boy has it all. Decent damage, serious crowd control, great self sustain and the ability to put the fear of death into melee heroes dumb enough to get close.
He’s a great buddy tank for duo laning.
Final tips:
1.Get a firm grasp on your heroes specific job.
Not all tanks are created equally and not all of them serve the same purpose.
Unless you have a plan… don’t open with a gap closer/charge/escape.
When you’re tough as nails and backed up by heals it’s usually better just to walk through the ouch and use the closers to either finish something off or bail the hell out.
He or she who fight’s alone, DIES alone.
Don’t be a hero.
If you figure you’ll die, then strongly consider an alternative solution.