Did anyone check out the blizzcon art gallery? In the HotS section, the last picture is of an "overwatch cosplay pack’. Looks like a Stitches - Roadhog, Valla - Reaper, Raynor - Soldier 76… AND BRIGITTE - REINHART??? Please Blizz, reinvest in HotS and give it LOVE with renewed vigor. The game deserves it. You the devs deserve it. And most of all, your PLAYERS DESERVE IT!
It’s Jojo-Reinhart, if it makes you feel better, one of those heroes may get a rework, they seem to love releasing skin sets along-side reworks
Don’t hype too much. They didn’t show anything HotS related during BlizzConline. Those are more likely skins. Don’t expect for a new hero so soon, but you can expect for reworks.
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I don’t get why everyone keeps thinking it’s Brigitte. The mace is completely wrong and looks far more like Johana’s anyway.
well, topics about said gallery aside, clearly the real reveal was how many times Andariel was shown!
As much as I want Brig in HoTS, that’s Johanna. She also has a shield and a mace.
New heroes > hero reworks