[Lana] Thank you, Heroes

Cross posted from Reddit. (Link)

While I most certainly hit my emotional limit yesterday, I wanted to take a moment to stop in and tell you how deeply moved I am by this community.

I am fortunate to have been given some incredible opportunities in my time here: amazing characters to work on, amazing people to work with, and amazing memories meeting with and talking to and sharing in the joy of game development with all of you.

Change is hard. Not only because of the impending ‘newness’ of the future, but in wondering about the kind of mark that is left behind… and so, I wanted to make sure you knew the impact you’ve had on me. Every conversation at BlizzCon, every tweet, every stream – every interaction has been invaluable, and watching this community rally again and again when someone is hurting, or struggling, or celebrating, or in need, is truly remarkable. I am honored to have spent this time with you.

Anyway, I wanted to leave you guys with a little parting gift. I’ve had the chance to share a lot of cool stuff with you over the years, but one thing I’ve shared remarkably little of is design. I’ve had a lot of fun playing around in Illustrator making dev shirts, and I wanted the opportunity to make something for everyone. It’s just a desktop background.


and it’s possibly a little trite, but it’s for my team and this community that made me believe that it’s true.

So…thanks! Thank you so much for all the memories, for challenging me to be a better developer, and for the best 5 years of development I could possibly have asked for.

Yesterday was my last day at Blizzard Entertainment, and just to clarify, I’m not leaving because of any hard feelings. I love Heroes and am so proud of everything we’ve released, but as much as it’s comfortable and fun to stay put, sometimes an opportunity comes along that you can’t say no to. A chance to impact a new community. A chance to be a catalyst for change, and bolster diversity. I am so excited and so nervous, but now it’s my turn to rally and support.

I spent yesterday smothered in love, surrounded by friends, and ultimately overwhelmed by all of this.
Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives.

GLHF, and I’ll see you at BlizzCon.

–Lana B


All her hard work will be missed. Good Luck.


I’m not crying.
Tassadar mains don’t cry… :sneezing_face:


IMO that ball and chain in the last picture aptly sums up what I feel working for Blizzard would be like.

We will all miss you, Lana.


I thought a red scarf was her trademark. Where is it?

Thanks for sharing.


I wish her well. Hope this new oppurtunity works out for her.
(No sarcasm intended since i know that’s not obvious over the internet.


We’ll definitely miss her and her big… contributions.


Good luck to Lana on her journey. She will forever be part of the Nexus.

// Now, I kinda want a Lana Announcer but… //


I have never heard her speak, ever.

Here ya go.


Wow the HOTS team is still bigger than I thought! :d

So that now Lana is gone, who will take her place as a popular figure? Since Activision seem to strive on sjw, I believe it’s a male’s turn to take the crown! We need a male developer who’s photogenic with anything he holds, and must have a catchy name like James, Or Michael. So we can punt names like “Michael Recycle” or “James games”. ya’ll feeling me right now? Ofc it will be hard to replace Lana and yer, we’ll all miss her ^^

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Someone should call for a doctor… this child looks stiff as a stick.


How sad, Now it goes one of the most beloved and charismatic members of the dev team of hots, first Kevin now Lana. The Nexus will no longer be the same without the real world Alexstrasza. We will miss you Lana Alexstrasza.:sob:

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If anyone is interested, Lana is currently playing HotS with Kiyeberries and the rest of HHE on Heroes Hearth’s Twitch channel.


She is playing Orphia in her first game (just FYI)

That’s good to hear! I thought there’d be a “no playing other competitor’s game” policy or something, if she’s still in that criteria field.

I just realised: the cake isn’t even a hexagon.
Filthy casuals.