Lana is now a Senior Animator at Riot no

Wow. I’m as unhappy with Qhira as the majority of players, but that’s dumb, even for a conspiracy theory.

There’s no way she’d have gotten where she was in game development and remain there as long as she did if she didn’t have a thick enough skin to deal with community backlash.


Rather, she’s not going to be forced to stick with a very speciifc interpretation of said pre existing character. It’s not like they could give aggra a chain sword.


I imagine she’s the senior animator for the fighting game that they’re confirmed to be making.

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Please humor me and tell me this community is not so insane and blind that they truly thought Lana left because of Qhira’s youtube ratios on the reveal video.


Honestly, it’s a fair thing to say. Regardless of your opinion of qhira, no one is suddenly going to quit their job because people don’t like what they made. I definitely saw some of that idea days ago and it was as dumb then as it was now.


Except I never said that and Latest said the game was in maintenance mode.

Edit: Rereading through the thread. Daft was actually suggesting that. My bad Latest I’m an idiot, I can see why you thought I was saying that.

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“To make maximum MONEY, you just have to cut down your work force by 50%! It’s really that simple! Just force the remaining employees to work twice as hard; Because they definitely weren’t putting their heart and soul into their work already! No backlash guaranteed!”

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Definitely can’t blame her for that.

I guess it’s not relevant anymore, but to clarify I meant in general and wasn’t talking about any specific person.

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Some did.

It feels like a sub section of the forums is kind of a sect sometimes.


My bad, you were in that thread so I figured you were somewhat familiar with the back and forth.

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This is another glorious typo. Thank you. :laughing:

Let’s be honest. As much as I love HotS.
Working for Riot/League of Legends is a career step upwards.

If it was your son/daughter doing animation work for a living you would think likewise in a heartbeat.

Good for them.


If you follow her on Twitter, you’ll see she recently bought her first car. Think about that she’s been working at blizzard for at least 4 years but she had to change jobs to be able to afford a car… :woozy_face::woozy_face::face_with_monocle:


But then cut off revenue streams by pulling support from games :thinking: if anything, MORE money should have been put into hots (particularly advertising) and additional support given to the second cancelled starcraft IP outside of the rts genre.

Its common industry knowledge, at least if all the anonymous dev letters are to be believed, that blizzard pays less than industry standards for triple A companies, but they put up with it because of what blizzard games meant to them growing up and likely inspired them to join the industry. So of course she could afford to buy her first car. Good for Lana. Everyone deserves fair, competitive pay in an environment where your job can be taken from you at a moments notice (looking at you, EA and all the studios you’ve acquired and immediately dismantled).


Riot is or have been under lawsuit for sexism and it is still better than working for Blizzard.

This is hilarious. :joy::joy::joy:

It’s 7 years. Also, Yikes™

But yeah, I’ve heard things at blizz aren’t doing too hot as far as employees and morale is going, somewhat similar to how how Bioware is doing right now. I’d definitely jump ship as well, though Riot’s whole sexism stuff is concerning. I hope they fixed that or it’s at least lessened.


I know only one Bioware, what made Dragon Age: Origins/Dragon Age 2. And it’s dead.

I’m still playing those games from 2008 year. Just look. Another DA:O run.
And don’t be confused about name. It’s role playing :smiley:


You mean Riot’s Fighting game they are making?