Lana is leaving Blizzard

Matt Vi is gone too.

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Good bye Lana, good luck with whatever you do!


HotS going full TF2 devs at this rate it seems.

Good luck at expanding your carrier and work for other projects like Cyberpunk (considering that she tweeted that not so long ago).


Qhira is crashing this game with no survivors!

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How many people now have left blizz/HotS team in the past week? I think we are up to 2

Who’s number two? If you mean Kevin he announced his departure before Anduin came out. He might even have some voice overs still if the theory that Qhira got bumped up is true.

Best of luck to you Lana!

Very doubtful, I can’t imagine a professional deciding their future over something as insignificant as a 50/50 split vote on YouTube.

Some of the people bemoaning the OC characters (for the record I’m not a fan of them) making wild claims that OC characters were the downfall of HOTS. Even if we entertain this idea, then HOTS was then destined to fail if the introduction of one OC character could kill the the whole game.

Any problems with HOTS are far more complex than the introduction of Nexus Lore and OC characters.


Hope not, but if it has to do, then, it will be kind of funny how this communities “backlashs” always end up hurting the own community in the process, its a little bit masochistic if it is the case

You overestimate the importance of colored pixels. It is a job for her, nothing more. Attaching herself to her creation would be a mistake that would have sent her down the path of insanity.

Switching jobs doesn’t happen over night. And there is a notice period, so she probably quit way before this moment and had her last hero as a contract agreement, she stays till it is released.

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Best wishes to Lana! The amount of good work she had done for HotS is unbelievable! She’s really talented. I’m sure that she will work for a great company (CD Projekt Red maybe, she just shared a CDPR’s post not long ago.)


Wish her all the best! Who can blame talented people searching for new opportunities? HotS is barely breathing, with a shrinking by the second player base and everybody is waiting for a new MOBAlike experience. Abandon ship! :smiley:

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I agree that votes are not what is important for Lana but instead pose that the drama around the character is what is important. I can imagine someone deciding that their quality work is not being utilized effectively by a company ridden with scandals and a fan base where harassment thrives due to Blizzard’s lack of action. If you feel that you are making something for a game that is widely considered a failure then it could make sense to want to get away from such a company and its toxic fans that are empowered by Blizzard’s lack of integrity.

Anyone that claims that is likely in the minority of people who view OC heroes as a problem. I have said that OC heroes were nails in the coffin, but that coffin was built overtime with numerous poor development decisions unrelated to OC heroes.

I would wager the majority of people who have problems with Nexus Lore and OC heroes would agree. There are many more problems HoTS has and this is just another brink in their wall of shame.

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Oh, you’re an artist, all right.

I barely follow what points you are making. Maybe its just me.

What I was saying is that the reason her departure coincided with the release of this hero was that it was probably the last project she had in her pipeline.

Many times when you are leaving on good terms with an employer for another opportunity, you finish up the projects that you have without taking on new work. Once the stuff in your pipeline is done, thats when you leave.

Sounded like to me you were suggesting she was leaving HoTS because it was a sinking ship.

I didnt say sinking ship as much as the basement department at blizzard.

Its certainly not the “hot” career path at Blizzard.

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I think if she wanted to be moved to another project she could have requested it. Matt Vi is now on warcraft for instance.

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“I think” is “I guess”.

The reality is you dont know. There may not have been a spot on another team or she may not have networked well inside Blizzard.

Or she may not have liked the culture at Blizzard these days, or maybe found a better offer.

We can’t know that. All I am saying is that the timing was based on her final project being done.

no, likely it started a long time ago and as some will recall these decisions from some of these as far as moving forward were a ‘we will wait and see’ when the first announcement came that blizzard was moving ppl around. then they stayed anyway.

my money is on that the way the community acted with key figures leaving at the time, hgc shutdown, lay offs, etc. that they wanted to postpone certain individuals leaving.

now they are leaving.

maybe, im reading too much into it though.

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