Ktz chains need to have a shorter length to them

You’re almost but not fully screwed if the first one already hit you, for example clever use of terrain as mentioned by Karabars can completely negate the chain from pulling you.

You can’t always find a piece of blocking terrain, but if you can, Ktz can’t pull you through it. You will get stuck on the terrain and the chain will break. I’m quite (not 100%) sure a wall or tower will also save you if you manage to get to the other side.

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It does. That’s what I do usually.

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I kinda agree with OP, but I’m also very low rank. The amount of times a teammate gets a chain and gets near someone, only for us to get yanked into his death and decay or planned ult seems so dang high.

But again, low ranks.

i assume you played against smurf ktz? cause if it was an actual low ranked ktz he wouldn’t even land a single chain even if you stand still waiting for him to do it “and i’m not even kidding” on my smurf in gold played vs ktz and i didn’t even try to move away and he missed his chain… it was funny but sad in the same time.


By low rank I mean silver and the most matches I do are normally quick play as of late, where I seem to come across most of them. I tried him myself and I couldn’t land a chain for my life, so I guess he’s just high skilled character?

yep he really is a high skilled hero. you won’t find a skilled ktz player everywhere / that often whatsoever. there’s rarely anyone that’s good at him same goes for samuro that’s a high skill high reward hero too you can be a god if you play samuro correctly and ktz can carry games if you play him correctly as well.

They get longer cast from spike. But the regular range is fine to me.

Spike+ Chain combo is perhaps the most telegraphed attack next to DW’s ult. If somebody cannot deal with that then they might have to consider the simple fact they suck.

There are a few ways to make it more consistent / less telegraphed:
The first is the obvious one, chain -> spike.
The second is to hide the spike behind terrain / in bush / out of vision so players cant expect it.

But otherwise yeah, an obvious spike spawn should be really easy to dodge for any non-fat tank.

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I don’t say you are unable to connect it. If that were the case it’d be just plain useless. I say if somebody can’t deal with the Spike+Chain combos at all then they should git good because there are far harder to avoid combos out there.

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Perhaps he meant the range of attraction to the crystal? Maybe I have glitches, but I also often see how KTZ throws the second part of the chain to nowhere, and it attracts thou to the crystal with a great distance.

That’s just an illusion. The 2nd chain’s length is always the same as the 1st. Whether or not the 2nd target is his spike doesn’t matter.

The only reason it appears that way is a combination of the animation and the game’s logic.

Firstly, chains fire from where they were cast, 2nd cast included. So if he fires the 2nd chain off of you towards his spike and you move further away during this time, well the chain is actually firing from where you were just a few moments ago, not where you currently are.

It makes it look even longer if you have increased movement speed or use some dash or teleport after he fires the chain.

The good news is that there’s a maximum distance you will be pulled toward the spike if you get far enough, behind terrain or not. It’s not like a stitches hook. I’m fairly certain it’s the length of the actual chain.


this explains the wonkyness in the chains. y it sems like u can never run from the second cast no matter how far the 2 of u split up. in a way the logic makes sense, but gameplay wise no. plus i only have like 5 games on ktz, hate that combo play.

Thanks for the explanation. Most likely it is, although it looks like a “cheat” or a “bug”.

It isn’t.
By the time you moved the projectile was already shot towards the glacier and since it’s a stationary target it’ll connect. KT has neither more range to execute this, nor more forgiveness. It just happens the graphic isn’t truly consistent with the result due to lag and so forth. But for KT he just shot out a projectile towards his glacial spike and connected. What you did when the projectile was still in travel is irrelevant.

if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball … or a chain

I hate it when we both spawn at the start of the match, and he chains me out of my starting area into theirs and I get killed by the base.