It’s based on the Protection Warrior’s Intercept which involves standing next to an ally to absorb damage meant for them.
Warbringer used to upgrade Charge into a stun and it was a total nightmare to deal with. The problem is that both Charge and Taunt are point-and-click abilities, so you didn’t really have a chance to do anything about it once you got caught.
That said, I’m hesitant to give Varian additional forms of CC. We have to keep in mind that Taunt Varian is a Bruiser masquerading as a Tank, and he can also masquerade as a DPS Assassin or Burst Assassin. That level of flexibility has to come at a price, and I believe that the fair price for that is either making him kind of an underequipped Tank compared to dedicated Tanks (which he is) or only able to operate as a Tank in a niche role (and he happens to fill a particular niche incredibly well).
Nah man, this conversation has been great - I don’t mind when people voice concerns about my work or say that they would have done things differently as long as they’re willing to have an actual conversation about it. I only take issue when people Kramer into the thread to tell me how dumb and wrong I am and that I’m obviously an idiot for not immediately following their suggestions.
You really need to stop doing this, dude. It’s fine if you disagree, but you don’t need to be so disrespectful about it - especially when it turns out that you misinterpreted what I said and wound up agreeing with me.
Sure is good that I said it was Taunt that was strong and not Tank Varian on the whole, then.
There are several Tanks that are good initiators but have poor peel. Stitches, for example.
So is Hook. What’s your point?
Twin Blades is a great damage sponge because of its sustain and access to Parry, but considering that it has zero peel instead of some peel like Taunt, I’m hesitant to agree with you when you say it’s a Tank at all.
- At Level 4, if you can land your skillshots without the increased size and speed of Lion’s Maw, Warbringer offers Smash Varian an excellent escape to an ally once they’ve blown their combo. I will grant that Intercept isn’t very useful, but you can’t win 'em all.
- At Level 7, the extra range and/or Slow from Shockwave is nice to have, but not strictly necessary. Safeguard improves your survivability considerably after a combo dive and Bounding Stride has multiple potential uses, from pursuit to escape.
- At Level 13, both Overpower and Juggernaut have inherent value. Overpower allows you to extend your burst by hitting multiple Heroic Strikes and Juggernaut makes Charge deal respectable damage (plus it’s Health Shred, so it’s a solid hit against more meaty targets).
Now, I won’t argue that Lion’s Maw, Shockwave, and Ravager aren’t useful to a Colossus Smash Varian focusing on a Q build, because they definitely are (and that’s intended). However, I also made sure to create space for variety when designing the other talents. There’s a reason that this took so long. 
That’s okay! There’s a lot to go over.
Niche is very much what Taunt Varian is. All of the feedback that I’ve gotten is basically this: Taunt itself is very, very strong, but unless you have the opportunity to capitalize on its usage, then Varian himself is not a very compelling Tank.
And I think that’s okay, personally. Varian’s gimmick is that he can fulfill three different roles, so I feel like him only being passable or niche in his performances is fine.