Kith's D.Va Review + Rework

They exacerbated Blizz inability to balance D.Va in OW, where it added burst to a non-burst hero. They were unecessary, unasked for, and now overall useless.
In HOTS, you want them to replace her only burst and make it way worse. Sure, it’s more damage, but damage with extremely clunky aim.
They’re unecessary. D.Va’s issues can be solved with number changes and a talent rework, and in that regard, a lot of your ideas are good.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Go, Go, Go! used in combat, only as an escape move.
Shove is on Gall, and Gall has one less thing to worry about than everyone else: movement. It’s also mostly an initiation move.
As for Wolf Form, it prevents the immediate use of his Q (unlike Boosters) which makes it less clunky.
Basically, Boosters on mount is clunky in combat, as it makes the combined use of her Q unecessarily difficult, even more if you pick Crash Course since it becomes a source of damage and CC.

She also has no abilities.

That’s not my question. Doesn’t every stack disappear after 2s ? Or does adding a new stack refresh the duration for all ? Armor is confusing in this game.

Leoric has slows which is some CC. Malth and Rag are Assassins so I couldn’t care less about them having no CC. Chen is terrible.

Removing baseline stuff to put it in talents is as lazy as the opposite.

No ? I nerfed some talents, explicitely because of what you said. We could discuss how it’s not enough, but don’t go accusing me of things.

When I was doing research on them, I didn’t get that impression. Do you happen to have any statements from professional players who feel the same way?

I won’t argue that their aiming mechanism is slightly clunky, but it’s supposed to be - it’s intended to be a damage supplement during Basic Attacks or Defense Matrix, not a dedicated skillshot to enable poke.

Also, I should mention that Boosters is not D.Va’s only burst - Self Destruct’s damage is rather bursty, and it’s arguable that Big Shot has a better stake to that claim given that it deals more damage.

No amount of numerical adjustments or talent buffs will change the fact that Mech D.Va effectively only has two abilities to use at any given time (and both are situationally useful and lock D.Va out of doing anything else while they’re active). The addition of Micro Missiles adds an additional gameplay vector to Mech D.Va - one that she sorely needs.

Movement Speed is Movement Speed, my friend. I have a friend who is very fond of the Lost Vikings and the majority of kills that I’ve seen him get were secured by using Go, Go, Go! to chase someone down.

That doesn’t refute my point.

I’m not quite sure what you mean here - Wolf Form does not prevent Rehgar from casting any of his abilities. Sure, it causes him to revert to Shaman Form if he does, but there’s no prevention.

As for “unlike Boosters” preventing anything - as of the Rework, it would still allow the use of Micro Missiles. While it’s true that D.Va cannot use other abilities while Boosters is active without ending it early, that’s not untrue of how Boosters currently functions, so I’m not sure I understand that part either.

You’re making an awful lot of factual claims about an untested design, I’ve noticed.

Sure she does. She has the ability to Basic Attack, the activatable Call Mech, and the passive ability to both continue soaking XP and deny a full Takedown’s worth of XP from the enemy. And that’s all after she was previously in Mech form, which (arguably) has a full suite of its own abilities.

Every stacking behavior in HOTS refreshes its duration when it gets a new stack unless otherwise noted. Valla’s Hatred, Hanzo’s The Dragon Hungers and Sharpened Arrowheads, Blaze’s Meltdown, Lunara’s Nature’s Toxin… I could keep going, but I’m sure you get the point.

That doesn’t refute my point. Body blocking is still CC of a sort, and thanks to the massively increased movement speed and push priority that the reworked Boosters offers, it still counts. It’s also arguable that Defense Matrix is CC. Not the traditional movement-restricting kind, but CC nonetheless.

It’s not an accusation, it’s a simple reality: many of the adjustments I made were in context of others - for example, the numerous buffs that I gave Mech D.Va were because I deliberately nerfed Pilot D.Va first.

Your suggestions to do away with the nerfs to Pilot D.Va robs the context from things like the health increase to Mech D.Va or the addition of Basic Attack Damage bonuses, making them straight buffs. It also doesn’t take into account any of the adjustments that I gave to Pilot D.Va’s talents (both in functionality and availability), so those are also straight buffs. I could go into what you did to the abilities and Mech talents as also being straight buffs, but I feel I’ve made my point by now.

So actually, yes - that is exactly what you did.

Again, you are more than welcome to make your own D.Va Rework thread if you feel so strongly about the matter - you’re even welcome to use my this one as a template so long as you give proper credit - but I’m not going to make any of your suggested changes to my design because they would upset the balance that I have so carefully struck.

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Seems like this individual was one of those “I prefer protector D.Va in this game than bully/bruiser D.Va”

I am prefer the latter, micro missiles was something I personally requested as a means for her to dish out additional damage and secure kills how the character was designed to in terms of personality. Personally I prefer for her to have extra damage with Micros missiles like she does in OW, take that as you will.

Pros are not my gurus, so I don’t care about most of what they say.
Thing is, right now, they play D.Va as a sniper with shotguns, poking from range. Missiles are mostly used to break the enemy barrier.
D.Va is not the dive tank she used to be. The only reason pros play her is because they use 2 off-tanks out of the 3 they have, and the third one is not a tank at all. Missiles were nice when they added them, but they have been nerfed so much, and have caused so many other nerfs, it would be better to straight remove them, and give power back to other parts of her kit.

Then it’s pointless. Just add more AA damage.

SD is a special ability, you won’t have it every fight. It’s mainly to contest objectives/mercs. You can’t really finish off fleeing enemies with it.

Big Shot is a Pilot ability. And a heroic.

She doesn’t “sorely need” it. Or is pressing a button after right click extremely deep gameplay or something ? Her gameplay and kit are fine, her talents are not, and some numbers, in Mech, need adjustement.

Did he use his Q ?
Also, I’m not your friend. Drop the passive-aggressiveness.

No good Rehgar will just go Wolf then use his heal. Either they go Wolf to move fast or deal more damage. Wolf and heal are a bit antithecal.

However, you want Missiles to be usable in conjuction with Boosters. Both are on the same finger, which makes the quick use of the two clunky. Even more to cancel Boosters. Which is why I suggested different positions.

Now you’re grasping at straws.

That’s quite honestly her trait.

The first part is all I needed. The rest is unecessarily aggressive. So “thank you, buzz off” I guess.

Oh damn right it is. You’re being annoyingly aggressive about this.

This is my last answer to you. Don’t bother replying, you managed to piss me off.

Mind you, I prefer bully/bruiser D.Va. As she was in the S2 of OW competitive. Before they nerfed her offense and bulk, then nerfed her defense to give her missiles, only to nerf those and her defense again.

You say that she moves normal speed, but then reduced speed when she AAs (like she does in OW).

I feel that the devs would need to add a reliable cancel AA button to the game. Otherwise there will be times where dva would prefer to move faster but her character just keeps attacking. The move while AA mechanic really throws off her controls.

You press H and you stop auto attacking.

There’s already a Hold Fire button.

I’m not certain what you’re even trying to say when you state that they’re not your “gurus”, but in my own experience, professional opinions tend to be well-informed.

While this is good information, it’s not really relevant to the design given that I deliberately made Micro Missiles difficult to use as a poke.

It seems to me that in that case, it would be easier to simply buff them back into usefulness, no?

More AA damage would not be able to be combined with Defense Matrix, so that would not be very useful. The goal is to increase the amount of interaction vectors D.Va has, not keep them the same.

A true statement. Still burst damage, though.

That’s not a requirement of burst damage.

Yes, but “burst damage” is defined as a large amount of damage dealt in a short period of time. If you assert that Boosters provides D.Va access to burst damage, doesn’t it make sense that Big Shot counts as well?

I suppose we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this point - if you don’t see an issue with only having regular access to two situational abilities that are mutually exclusive, then I doubt I’m going to convince you that it needs changing.

Rather often.

I know this may be hard to believe, but I was honestly attempting to be friendly. I rarely get worked up over disagreements unless it’s related to politics.

I never suggested that such a thing would be a wise tactic. While you’re correct that the primary purposes of Wolf Form are to increase mobility and to enable damage-dealing, that still doesn’t mean that Wolf Form prevents anything like Boosters does.

As someone who has played an awful lot of Tychus, I’ve never had any problem with tapping Q and Z in succession. I doubt it would take much getting used to.

I don’t think I am. Compared to being dead, those are rather useful - and for that matter, important.

No, Pilot D.Va’s trait is that she exists in the first place. I know it’s easy to overlook, but things like denying the enemy team a full kill from Mech D.Va and allowing the player the opportunity to continue doing important things like soaking XP instead of merely dying are very important. Call Mech is very specifically an extension of Pilot Form, but not its entire purpose.

I don’t see how giving examples of pre-existing behavior that you could use as a reference is aggressive, but I’m sorry that it offended you. I was just trying to be helpful.

If you’re not willing to respond to anything else I said, would you at least mind explaining why you feel it’s an accusation?

I’m sorry that you’ve been upset by our discussion, but disagreement isn’t aggression - I’ve only refuted your points and made points of my own in turn. I haven’t used hash language, insults, or resorted to bullying, and I’d appreciate it if you stopped acting like I have.

I hope you reconsider.

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I don’t think we are playing the same game my friend but I digress.

Blizz you see this man? Kith? Hire him wouldja?


That would be bad because kith won’t post anymore here and we would definitely miss him! :frowning: /s

Loving everything about this rework. I loved D.VAs concept since release but am frustrated by the execution. I don’t have anything to add, but i hope you get a blue post.

I am flattered that you think so highly of my work. Thank you.

If anything I would post more! I would sprinkle blue posts as far as the eye could see, bringing joy to all of the good little forumgoers.

Thank you! I’m hopeful as well, even if it’s just an “attaboy” or “nice formatting”. :stuck_out_tongue:


The hero we need but don’t deserve.


But you don’t understand, once you become one of them you lose yourself and no longer seen here, except Reddit.

No amount of salary could convince me to post frequently on Reddit.


Both the Tychus and this one were fabulous, no problem man

Who asked for a nerf-i mean rework? Leave alone she is great rn

Necro of the month.


Uh, the entire community? And the devs?

It was getting close to being half a year since the last post. Is that a record?

