Kerrigan's level 4 quest bug

Kerrigan’s level 4 talent Sharpened Blades has in interesting bug where killing minions can either grant 1 stack (as they should), or 5 (as killing a hero should). At this moment I can’t determine what differentiates granting 1 or 5 stack(s).

As far as I’m aware, it gives 1 stack when you kill a minion after you ravage, but not with ravage, and 5 stacks if you kill a minion with ravage. This bug should really be looked into since Kerrigans in my games all finished the quest in like 2 minutes, and after that the games were a complete stomp.

Can confirm the bug and it is ridiculous to finish the quest by 2 minutes.

Minions are providing as much quest credit as hero kills are supposed to, and it can lead to a significant early game advantage in form of extra burst damage.

yeah its bug right now
i play this hero and Finish the quest in 2 min by killing minions
killing minions must be granted 1 stack but now grant 5 stack from minions

explanation here: