Hi !
I played Kelthuzad today with the new Imperius patch and noticed that you can’t chain someone anymore to his glacial spike. I wanted to know if it was possible to be just a problem on my part or a new bug with the patch. Thank you !
Same here, applying Chains of Kelthuzad on Glacial Spike pretty much turn the whole combo useless.
Want to put my input too that this is happening to me 100% only on glacial spike. lvl 1 it wasn’t working with hero chaining other heroes until the leveling up to 2, then started working again, but then trying out KTZ with the Glacial spike did not produce a second spike to send out.
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for the reports! We have this issue tracked and hope to have a fix in as soon as we can.
Thank you,
~ Fizivix
hello. i’ve played kelthuzzad today. it seems still bugged. sometimes the enemy is not pulled towards glacial spike at all and sometimes it leaves such a big gab between the target and the glacial spike, that the spells cast near glacial spike doesn’t even hit the target.