Karabot comic #200: Tank You

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My Comic AMA:


I’m calling it, Yrel should be there in the next patch.

I really hope they dont tune it doen to much. Yrel would be a cool tank if she wasn’t so niche as tank.

Aren’t Yrel, Tyrael and possibly Arthas in the same ballpark?
Of course, that makes Imperius and Hogger candidates, except Yrel can bring sustain.

Thing is, the main point of these role shields is that people tend to follow them.
I’m not sure I’d want to main tank as Yrel. She’s a great brawler. Maybe I do.

Same about QM. I’m usually shooing some ranged to solo lane in a melee matchup to ensure that our team has someone roleplaying tank (recently as Xul, he was great in that setup). But being hard locked into that role… the one relief being that double tank setups happen quite often for some reason.

Would be funny, because they wanted Yrel to be a Tank, but her Trait reliance made it wonky so they chose the Bruiser path.

Imo, Yrel is in the same spot as Hogger, Imperius, Arthas and Dehaka. Bulks that are cool laners but can work as Tanks in certain comps.

Main point of them imo is just to guide the less experienced, while anyone can surprass these boundaries.

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The shiny revised Yrel tank playstyle:


Don’t flank.
Don’t use trait for W post 7 unless D reset with R.
E allies on CD then move with W.
R on choke points.
Soak CDs from the enemy when your team have the 50 armor for 6 sec.

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Does the picture imply that Ch0’de’Gall is only half a tank because it only shows half the body? :slight_smile:

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Only Cho is Tank, Gall is Assassin.