Karabot comic #183: Always Was

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Technically Illidan was never a druid, he was training to become a mage before becoming a demon hunter :nerd_face:


He was learning the ways of Cenarius with Malfurion but then ditched it for ARCANE POWER! (understandable).

why be a tree hugger when you can be a demon seducer- I mean hugger- I mean hunter


It was weird in that he couldn’t grasp druidic magic but was born with amber eyes which was a sign that he was gifted in druidic magic. So at least according to the War of the Ancients novel Fate was trolling him the moment he was born.

One of the female demon hunter flirts is they state they absorbed the soul of a succubus with a hint at what they can do.


I believe he could do more than my lvl 1 druid. He just had troubles with the philosophic part of the teachings and with accepting that his brother is better at it.

I also remember his golden eyes as a sign of great potential, not in drudism specifically. Iirc, Azshara also had it, and she never even attempted to be a druid.

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The hippy appearance is quite funny.


If I recall correctly they believed the opposite with the whole druid blessing thing true. Does not mean they are exclusively good at druidism, just that perhaps it would be easier for them to undertake. Although in the case of Illidan you are perhaps right about the mindset.

In Azshara’s case she was basically spoonfed from the time she could walk once she was discovered to be a magical prodigy. There was never a time she had the chance to test if she could be a druid, and by the time she had the opportunity to travel to any tutor she was already a manipulative narcissist desperate to get just another drop of power despite being the most powerful mage in Azeroth’s history and being strong enough that Kil’jaeden was the only who really had a chance against her…before getting on that Void Sauce after sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

The only reason I can think Azshara would ever go druid is to rub it in everyone’s face that she is just that good at everything that nothing is off limits to her, especially to thumb her nose at Malfurion.


My WoW lore is the weakest, please, elaborate further.

Illidan has always amused me, when not making me jump back when The Hunt call out was global. He’s such an edgy character, I love his “hahahaa” when he’s in the fray of battle, another hero where the voice acting really helps defines the hero.

Just joke-nicknames of the druid and demonhunter class.
Elves/druids are “treehuggers” due to their love of nature and peace/balance.
Demonhunters work with demons, and absorb demons, and betray demons, and kinda are demons, and they’re the fetish of many players, so seducer/hugger/hunter :smiley:


The Kaldorei, or night elves as they are better known, embraced druidism and a more wild lifestyle after their previous leaders invited Mal’ganis’ superiors to Azeroth. It became known as the War of the Ancients which resulted in about three quarters of Azeroth going kablewy.

So, after that which involved mages getting too arrogant and thirsty for unlimited poooooooowwaaaaaaa for their own good, the arcane was sworn off, a giant tree was grown where Illidan tried making another Well of Eternity (the first one attracted the demons due to its misuse under Azshara and Highborne elves) to cover up the magic with said demon hunter locked up for ten thousand years.

Maiev stared at Illidan through the bars like a creeper the entire time. Probably licked her lips a lot.

Basically every guy became a druid sleeping off a bad batch of uh…that stuff from the sixties while the ladies played the warrior role to protect them. You did not want to wake them though unless you wanted to know what it was like to be mauled by a grizzly bear rocking a hangover.

Orcs came along and tried chopping trees down. The night elves nearly eradicated them for their nonsense. Due to that and missing their gains the green gym rats sucked down the demon sauce to push back and wound up killing Cenarius.

The elves teamed up with the humans, the Horde, and managed to get Grommash Hellscream and his juiced up orcs to quit the sauce again through magic.

Illidan the future Edgelord of Outland was freed to help them all by Tyrande (who made every warden between her and Illidan into a hashtag with Maeiv receiving a mighty spanking from the High Priestess), sucked on Gul’dan’s skull like a lollipop to perma-turn into his Metamorphosis form to stop the demonic invasion. Tyrande and his bro were not happy about that so they exiled him.

Oh and their magical tree exploded because hippy fairies are like bombs if enough magical sauce is pumped into them. Archimonde the Defiler who is one of the big bads of the Burning Legion wound up eating a respawn because he overextended down the one lane map to the night elf’s core.

This was all back when the Night Elves were feral and had well written lore while also radiating a “Do Not Mess With Me.” aura. They became purple hippies in World of Warcraft.

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Thank you so much for sharing all this. I do feel I’d enjoy this, even more so, if I was a stoner!


No problem. I enjoy the lore…even if it continues to get roasted and retconned by Blizzard for no other reason than to make the game more appealing to a broader audience.

That is also just a basic rundown of the night elves. They were a nasty bunch in Warcraft 3 that did not like outsiders.

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you make it sound like I have problems
I mean… I do
bt thats besides the point

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I live by #nokinkshame :wink:

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My friends during highschool convinced me to try out WoW on an “illegal server” of Cata. Played a Druid, farmed till lvl 60, when I could no longer contain my bordom and disappointment of the genre.
Latter I went through the Worgen starting quests on this account to withstand the lore first hand.
And I played the Dracthyr starting quest on my fiancé’s account. I made a half Bronze half Black draconid, my visage form looked like me. And I made friends with Wrathion.

Never liked the game. Always loved the lore.

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My biggest gripe with WoW is that by the time I would settled into an expansion pack the next one came out with changes to every class and not always for the better with having to ditch the old gear I put a lot of effort getting only for it to be replaced by some backscratcher dropped by some random mob.

I was a hardcore Unholy Death Knight up until Legion where they changed the class so much I did not care for it. Prior those drastic changes they wittled away at cosmetics and abilities that I enjoyed.

Second was the nonstop stick measuring contest between the Horde and the Alliance. I was Horde up until Pandaria. I hated Hellscream so much I swapped factions to get away from the war mongering buffoon.

I was pretty much well on my way out the door halfway through Legion due to the one dungeons–whose name I cannot recall–that the story was locked behind, but after seeing yet another faction war in Battle for Azeroth I noped out. I realize they gotta keep PvP flowing but they could at least get more creative with it and have it less obvious.

If they made a neutral/mercenary faction where I could do missions on either side with maybe some unique neutral missions mixed I would be more interested in going back. Lock me out of the major cities due to trust issues or whatnot. Make it so I cannot see the faction leaders. I don’t care; do not like most of em anyways. The ones I did like had been bumped off or written into the ground anyways.

While I did mention the lore, I mostly stick with the older stuff with my interest in the newer stuff slipping away. Especially their changes to the draenei in allowing warlocks amongst them (in the form of eredar skins) which I cannot take seriously at all. Almost as bad as the night elves allowing the Highborne back in their territory.

if they didn’t allow the known trouble makers to be toublesome, then they wouldn’t be crafting war.

Peacecraft is owned by bandai namco, so blizzard clearly can’t allow that to
happen to azeroth.

I think the most hardcore that I’ve ever been was in MoP. I truly loved that expansion the most. Vanilla was exciting and great because it was the first time I was able to explore a “world” with other players.

Prior to that, games were pretty much single player without internet because I’m old. Then, Halo 2 allowed me to PvP and then WoW was like a living, breathing world that I was able to co-op with other players. Players were nicer back then so it was always a positive experience helping others and having them help me.

I remember looking for the dungeon under orgrimmar and not only did someone tell me where it is, they showed me and carried me through it so I could complete my quests.

I think players of today take for granted the capability of being able to experience each other in an open world.

In the old days, you could only run a split screen and most of the time, both characters had to be on the same scene. So, you couldn’t run ahead of your partner and vice versa. Therefore, you couldn’t explore on your own and you had to periodically wait for your mate to catch up if they were behind. They were also mostly platformers. So the MMO experience was a breath of life in a solo world.

Today, an MMO is more like going to the mall. People are there for various reasons and stores. You see them, but you don’t talk to them because you’re there for your own reasons as well.

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The more I read and explore WoW lore, it gives the Diablo IP a run for its money in this respect. With respect to the platform we’re using, I (we) can’t elaborate further.