One of my all time fav vid on the net.
My Comic AMA:
the hole in the hole whats in the hole
I like holes… erm… what? Who said that? I didn’t mean it that way! No, you’re getting the wrong idea!
This story doesn’t make much sense at all; it’s full of holes.
Are you telling the hole story?
One of my two favourite Tomska’s videos ! The other one is “What happened ?”
Courtney Love has entered the chat…
Btw. Happy Birthday Minky
He means that today is the anniversary of when you came out of… the hole.
Thank you Mumrah, I had a Deckard Cain moment!
I’m praying to the Holy Hole Gods that you got where I was going with that comment. Cause I was making myself laugh at my genius.
I picked a day for your birthday this year. Only 363 to go
Happy unbirthday then! (Alice reference)
Thank you, Kara, I am celebrating my 29th birthday next week… for the 10,000th time.
Oh, see, I was close
next week… for the 10,000th time.
This means that Illidan will finally get out of his hole. Soon™
So much cause for celebration!
She also fell down a hole.
Careful, you’ll go way too deep down the rabbithole… O.O
“When you stare into the hole, the hole stares back at you”