Kaelthas quality of life request

It would be really nice if there were a second living bomb button that would only target non heroes.

Using low hp minions and objective mobs as living bomb traps is a big part of getting really good on kt. However the game prefers to target heroes over anything else when they are close to any kind of pve.

Ya know, juuust in case we get another patch : p

Does that not also encompass properly aiming? I cant remember hitting a hero when clicking on a minion with KT.

It gets harder the more, on top of each other, they are.

Hey Red chicken Wing. Good to see you :slight_smile:

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Ya I’d probly give him a skill at 13 which shields for 50% life and make all his lvl 1 talents include block too.

Sounds tasty!

True, but i still don´t see the issue.

If a hero is standing next to a low hp minion, kt does way more damage if you living bomb the minion then if you living bomb the hero. This is beacuse you get the damage of the bomb exploding twice (and it does 35% more damage if you take the 7 talent for it).
This kind of thing comes up all the time in your games. If the hero and the minion ever walks on top of a low hp minion or monster (or one that flamestrike can kill) you can’t living bomb the minion as the game will prefer to target the hero.

The game currently decides that you always click on heroes in these situations when clicking on minions is more optimal. What I’m asking for is alot like how whitemane’s w has 2 different buttons for casting on allies or enemies.


But I don’t want Kael’thas to have an easier life. I want him to become poor and miserable.

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The problem with this is that there are cases where you do not want to target minions that share the same mechanics. For example Morales wants to heal a hero and not the friendly minion standing next to them. The same logic is used in both cases which can cause issues like this where the targeting choice is sub-optimal.

Even then the logic still has value. The rough “near hero so cast at it” helps deal with situations where click collision geometry is moving or unpredictable reducing click failures when trying to target a hero. Nothing worse than trying to target a hero but missing because your cursor was a few pixels out.

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Hey, atleast this still has counterplay, just keep an eye on your own minions.

Ok if anyone needs this type of QoL change, it’s Garrosh. He needs a “only toss heroes and not the random minion thats 5 feet away” button.

PEBCAK. He throws the enemy that’s closest to him, marked with a big red Horde symbol. Just like you can’t expect to consistently Stitches Hook someone through a minion wave, you also can’t expect to consistently throw the right target in one.

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One of the things that used to make Kael so annoying and unskilled was because of double bombing where you didn’t really have a chance to react. What you are suggesting isn’t quite the same, but also not something I need to see either where I have to watch living bomb on small minions and a tinier hp bar. This is something Kerrigan players would complain about and I just see it as a non issue.

Let’s be real here, the horde symbol is in no way “big.” Also, it shows up on the center of the unit. A nice red horde symbol on top of a red enemy minion! Its not the easiest to spot.

There really isn’t any reason to NOT have wrecking ball be point and click, even if the range is tiny. The range is fine, and the challenge should be getting TO the target, not to skirt every single minion in a 360° area.

It would be really hard to snap-use the ability if you had to both click a target and a location. As you said, the range is tiny. The enemy would leave the range before the ability went off. As it works now, it’s near impossible to escape from when you’re isolated.