Just a quirky post

I got a bit bored and thought “hey there’s an entire community out there that needs my inane chattering” so I compiled what goes through my head when I play every hero (yes even nazeebo). read through it if you want or don’t, like I said just a quirky post for my enjoyment. hell post your own list if you want. so with out further interruptions, here we go!

Abathur: Tetris theme intensifies
Alarak: IIIIIIIII’m gonna whoop somebodies buuuuuutt
Alexstrasza: “Oh look a daisy… oh look another daisy!”
Cassia: pew pew oh bugger I missed… walk away nobody needs to know
Ana: you get a dart and you get a dart and you get a dart ann…
Anduin: MATERIAL GOWRL Chanel and pearls that’s the trick to keep the gurls.
Anu’barak: stay still right there… dont move… shhhh
Artanis: Error 404 page “be good at game” not found
Arthas: whilst I am not immortal I dare you to TRY and- oh damn that was quick
Auriel: Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Azmodan: Niiiice throw “enemy slain” its out of the park!
Sonya: hello my name is dory no you may not join my lane I claim this lane in the name of the Undon clan
Butcher: all I all I all I wanted was a piece of bread…
Cho: I am lost… someone help me
Chromie: I’m not missing my sandbasts… you are!
Johanna: so heres the plan; I walk into the enemy and then I stay there while you lot do your thing
D.Va: *Underwatch D.Va shooting noise"
Deathwing: damn it I stepped on murky again
Deckard Cain: my potions are too strong for you tracer
Dehaka: more like De HAHA amiright?.. okay I’ll leave
Valla: look out acro-baddy coming through
Diablo: hello I have now been fighting for 4 minutes and they still havent killed me
Lunara: hippity hoppity your healthbar is now my property
Brightwing: I’m gonna be real with you I cant heal you unless I huck thoua at them
Fenix: I don’t have the health bar this shzzz bugger off
Blaze: I set fiiirree to the raiiiin
Gall: whatchu you mean you gonna fight I said Z!
Garrosh: imagine that I’m actually a massive hand picking up and putting squishies into my team
Genji: Do I E now? no no… how about now?.. no to late Okay this one for sure
Greymane: lovely backline you got there… be a shame if cocktailed it
Gul’dan: QD QD QD QD QD QD QD damn it I have no health
Hanzo: I have missed 389 Q’s but I got that kill so totally worth it
Illidan: internal pain
Imperius: I stab you… but idk what else to do…
Jaina: bang you’re dead BANG you’re rooted Bang now you dead
Junkrat: I have thrown countless bombs in every and any direction… how am I good at this!?
Kael’Thas: could you pwease just stand together?
Kel’thuzad: oh boy here we go

Kerrigan: Undondory has died, Undondory has died
E.T.C: I am boooooored so very very boooored
Leoric: you may have killed me… but did you really?
Li Li: I’ve got the fast feet I SHALL NEVER CEASE!
Lost vikings: I am doing over 700 hundred calculations and they are all wrong
Lucio: Oh yeah gonna get the boomburst quest done… eventually!
Maiev: F e a r - m e

Mal’ganis: I’m gonna smack the meta out of you spams Q
Malfurion: there’s a reason why I didn’t play druid in WoW this is reminding me
Malthael: I have become bush… destroyer of overextenders
Medivh: Layline seal you don’t get to play
Mei: this character is C R I N G E
Kharazim: the hell you mean Healer!?
Muradin: I jump in I get crushed what am I missing?
Murky: no no no you don’t get to kill me
Xul: I cast Bone prison. my work here is done
Qhira: I’m swinging on the chandelier FINALLY!
Nova: you get 7 kills and you are good I get 2 and I’m considered a kill stealer… does not seem fair to me
Orphea: stay still we both know your going to- oh i’ve been stunned
Probius: I am in fact a pacifist please leave my lane enemy Thrall
Raynor: i’ve lost IQ points
Rehgar: I am once again asking for the sweet release of death
Rexxar: so i do camp… now what?
Samuro: alright that’s it cleanses your DoT
Sgt. hammer: kills? zero movement? zero. fun? zero
Stiches: I’m a beautiful butterfly!
Stukov: I reject your purple puddle build specs into W
Sylvanas: boy i stink sidcom laughter
Tassadar: I preferred you as a support
Thrall: no I don’t like
Gazlowe: my existence is to stun… and yet i fail
Tracer: please don’t stun me please don’t stun me please don’t stun me
Tychus: Q D E brrrrrrrr- oh bugger I’m dead
Tyrael: I’m not “bAd” I’m utilizing his trait
Tyrande: QQ R okay now could somone let me attack a minion so i can heal you again
Uther: could you stop taking damage FOR FIVE MINUTES?!
Valeera: DON’T notice me senpai!
Varian: Bleh I don’t want to exist


Now I wall all of you!
Li-ming: Searches: how to be good at aiming
Yrel: And her i thought mario wasn’t in this game
Zagara: Clown music intensifies
Zarya: Oh you broke my shield uses pain is temporary try again bestie boo
Zeratul: I live in the Shadows… justice, Gothum
Zul’Jin: Heart-rate is increasing I may die