It's impossible to be friendly! :(

Just had a quick QP game, the other team were messed up by the matchmaking (I accept that). I went up against a murky, the two of us laning against each other… I whispered him after the match… good game type of thing, sorry I kept killing your puffer fish with a sad emoji face.

Well, the angry response and accusations of being toxic and him reporting me and being instantly blocked. I was trying to be friendly, was going ask him if he wanted to team up.

This appears the norm in Hero’s. Anytime I message the enemy team after a match because I thought someone was good and wondered if they’d want to team up I’m attacked :frowning:


Being friendly is a mindset. Not something you can force


For one, I feel your pain. Sportsmanship is kinda rare these days, and I wish I could see more ‘hey, even though my team won, your heals were REALLY setting us back, great job’ stuff… BUT

The truth is, if someone random is whispering you after a match, chances are it’s not to congratulate you. Moving off that approach, it’s kinda sad, but it’s likely your friendly message didn’t come across as genuine and was taken more sarcastically.

Might be better to try and find people to group up with through things like Discord than to run into this stuff.


Whispering someone after game ‘gg sry I raped u’ in other words is the opposite of being friendly. He probably thought u were sarcastic and u might wanna rethink what u type to someone who’s likely tilted.


You could start with that.


As others said, saying “man, sorry that I destroyed you :slightly_frowning_face:” sounds really dishonest and it would be better if you’d just say that you think he was good and you’d like to party up with him.


doesn’t help that the some of the playerbase has this weird insecurity with whispered messages.

I’ve had some games where someone tries to shotcall and communicate during the game, but when hit with post-game whispers they flip out.

Its a growing trend (from what i see) that people are developing bad communication habits and just assume the worst about anything in the written form.

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That’s what you get for being a friendly and kind person in HOTS

Next time you’ll learn


Well it depends on each one, but I think it is difficult to be friendly with the game, taking into account how toxic and negative the experience can be in the game, because this game is a competition you enter to compete against others and you will always want to win obviously And not to lose.


this is any online game imo.
I send an invite to players who beats me in Heartstone or had a very good match and I win, and think I could learn something from them. do you know how many times I get the “get cancer and die” comments?

DOTA2 is even more toxic.

ya well as I keep saying the ban bot caused a culture where people got banned over bullsh!t constantly. oh you didn’t like somone? int and make them mad then lol as they get banned. its the biggest reason the game is as it is.

flaming does put a stop to this. people who want to be here stay and the losers who cant take it who usually play like bronze leave. IT DOES WORK. that’s exactly why it was done. these devs these days would have a heart attack if they saw a squeker in a a cod mw lobby back in the day and the stuff that came out of there mouth.

ban bots for chat are only used by a very specific type of worthless player you don’t want more of and most of us are tried of them and the devs that support them. dotn beelive me look at gender field 5 and all the bs there. they will walk all this back

they will bend or they will break when we stop giving them our money.

if you haven’t go read some of the articles from these devs and “entitled gamers”

entitled trash devs don’t even give us a working product most of the time again gender field 5 and the buggy trash it was. not to mention the problems with always online when they take it down.

im trying to be nice about this. no one likes being angry. but the stupid diarrhea from these people has me at my limit. don’t like what im saying tough. you bend or you break because people like me spend hundreds a month on all kinds of games and we mostly are done with the bs.


ps there is nothing wrong with being bronze yes you are bad but the important thing is you enjoy the game. if your pushing people to carry you to gold where you obviously don’t belong and it shows when tanks do 20k more damage then you when your a mage is toxic and no we shouldnt have to put up with it.

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you have to remember most of the people still here after the ban bot depopulation are more interested in reporting people then playing the game. also there are a lot of provably stupid people.

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…and ppl wonder why they wont add “All Chat” to the game. :thinking:

unfortunately thats true. i have my settings to the ‘only friends…’ so i cant just be plagued by all the randoms that have no sense. it doesnt stop everyone though.

there was one guy that was determined. he invited me to group just to spit poison at me then kick me. now THAT is sad. determined… but sad.

its just society as a whole. part of the entire ‘internet of things’ moving to mobile lifestyle. there is, or has been, a disconnect from real communication between ppl which affects how they also communicate electronically.

Well, depends on people,
I have had success of teaming up with me last game’s enemy team members. even when i was appreciating in a kind of crazy slightly offensive way lol

The most funny one was with a zagara when i was playing greymane.

Me “Most zagaras run with their tail between legs when greymane pounces, you got balls, i giv u tht, but i feel bad i still killed u thrice :D”
Him “you cause me much problem in laning, was challenging, n fun, want the zagara with balls on ur side this time?”
Me “sure”

n then we had some real awesome 3 games :smiley:

I actually had a rare game over a year ago, were the tank from the 5 man premade i just won over said i had some nice skills with Kerrigan. Also the only friendly player who have /w me after a game. LIke 1/1000000 chance you get a player like him today.

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true, especially in lower ranks, ,people more toxic n more proud, blaming others for the loss, no matter wht

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… huh? what does any of that have to do with the topic?

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Yeah, he probably thought you were trying to rub salt in the wound. “Sorry for killing your pufferfish” after beating his team could be translated into a sarcastic, “Sorry for flexin’ on ya all game” lol.

Yeah, leading with an invite or whatever by telling him he played well would disparage any possible sarcastic interpretation of what you mean.


So you beat him, then rubbed it in, and are angry he got pissed? Good sportsmanship means reaching out after a loss and saying gg wp you dominated me in solo lane or after a win saying gj murky i totally respect you as a player you had me beat. Maybe even hey as a fellow murky main i only beat you bc i got lucky with the counterpick.


This is a troll post right?

“Sorry I was better than you last game and kept eating your lunch :(”

Thats kind of a dumb move on your part if you truly were trying to be friendly.

I doubt you were though