Is W build Valla considered bad?

I don’t play this hero much anymore but I remember at some point Fan was playing a lot of W build Valla. Is it considered bad, now? What happened, nerfs, or other builds got buffed? I’m a bit out of date with her

Valla has 3 viable builds. Walla, Qalla and AAlla. Feel free to use any.
Q build is best for killing the Immortal and imo for Q shenanigans where 1v1ing is useful.
AA is best when you’re the babysitted hypercarry.
W is the safe pick, best for Aram and for that similar thing ppl do forcway too long in normal games as well :smiley:


Why don’t you try it and find out for yourself?


It’s up to personal taste really. I always enjoyed Anub’arak’s E build, for example, and playing aggressively with it. Around last year when beetle build was the highest win rate build and was used by many players, I tried it for some games and went on a big loss streak on Anub, and wasn’t able to understand why I became so squishy all of a sudden. After I switched back to E build, the issue is gone and the decent win rate from before came back.

Pick the best build depending on how you play Valla, as each build plays a bit differently.

I’m not sure entirely but I think W build has been nerfed with the rework, as you can’t take mana regen anymore, so you are rather limited.

I agree with the above, all three builds can be viable.
I find her to be defined by her squishiness and how you cope with it. Are you great with stutter step, positioning, being bold? Looking for a typical skillshot mage with added mobility? Are you looking to clear big packs and maybe uncover opponents?

I would take W when there are hidden enemies, or clones like Samuro and Nova.
Then again I’m the guy that managed a 15 loss streak with Valla a few months ago. Which is pretty extreme even for me, so apparently it’s W on Battlefield, Q on Shrines and AA if you just farm xp solo. :wink:

Grubby just uploaded a Valla match yesterday. Has some comments about being bullied against Diablo + Alexstrasza.

In general I find her underpowered, especially considering she plays partially similar to my strongest heroes and she is my most impactful loss generator (score roughly 80:117). I do fail with AA but I don’t play them, and Jaina is like 140:109. She (Valla) is similar to Abathur or Illidan in that in a few combinations she is a monster.

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I think it’s fallen out of favor in non-aram games due to how players stack with it in aram games. Since gm/storm tend not to have the same on going brawls, those that want to run W stick with it in aram, and then take other quest talents for the other modes according to comps/counter-picks.

It’s not ‘bad’, it’s just been spoiled.

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W build is her “mage build” and is definately in the weaker spot now. Not sure when you watched fan but generally everyone goes the other 2 as W is pretty much countered by any AOE healer.
It’s not bad perse and can still be used/viable but if you care that much that you want to min/max I would probably say there are better heroes

Note: All my own opnion

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