Is this game still alive in South East Asia?

I know the game is not dying,but with the all situations going on,I’m wondering how the playerbase in SEA region. I was burned out on overwatch but still want to play blizzard game.And Hots is my choice.

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Ranked has bronzes with GM’s so you decide.

It’s completely dead.


Quickmatch, you can find games in around 30 seconds after blizzard removed the new player queue.

Ranked, at non-peak timings, you can’t find games usually or it takes an hour. At peak timings, you can find games within 10 minutes.

It’s not so bad actually


SEA Ranked Queue time at Peak Hour:

Even if you managed to find a game in ranked mode, you will get this kind of match-up

However, the popular mode, Quick Match queue time is rather short and acceptable, but it is still a clown fiesta.

So yeah, I won’t call SEA dead but at the same time, I won’t call SEA lively.

In Asia this game is dead.

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Thanks for the proof, I wasn’t just memeing about the GM and bronze thing. As you can see in this screenshot, GM#21 is being matched against a Silver 4.

The game just can’t find anyone else to match them with. That is the definition of dead.

And I don’t hate HotS, I love this game. I just wish it had a healthy player population.

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Do you want to see GM and Bronze in the same team?

Here is it:

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SEA find QM about 30s, Ranked about 10 min :wink:

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