Is Mei really boring or am I doing her wrong?

Which tanks do you enjoy playing? It is most likely just a play style issue, as she isn’t an all-in, aggressive tank like Diablo, but more of a disruption, set up tank like Mal’ganis. She isn’t my favorite tank to play, but I don’t find her kit boring.

Well he/she mentionned talent comboes. So I’d assume “Heat transfer” “Cooling servos” and “Acclimation

Slows on auto attacks is huge versus immobile ranged assassins.

Blinds are strong (cassia, joh, mei) as long as the hero has other stats and abilities in their kit to back up the blind

Assuming the devs won’t nerf mei (they said she’s in a good spot) then she’s gonna be #1-3 tank for awhile. she’s #2 right now just behind etc who’s obviously busted

so it’s standing for the disabling build?

I’m not discrediting her other level 1 talent choices, I was just explaining that Mei’s waveclear can be good if you pick that already mentioned talent.

Cooling Servos is only available until 13. In the meantime, lvl 1 W talent will be slightly more valuable until 13. Not saying it’s bad in any way.

Polar vortex also triggers accimilation stacks and heat transferance as well :slight_smile:

As somebody who used ETC when needing to tank throughout the year this is true.

Then again, ETC and Mei are like Malfurion and Whitemane. Have a bit of similarity in concept but rather different in execution.

There is no wrong way to do Mei.

She is a ranged hero of course it’s boring.

Ranged warrior and Ranged Tank of the very 1ST one

Funny how she is no longer picked or banned after her recent nerfs…
I didnt see her in one SL game in this season

Maybe people in your rank finaly woke up and found someone els to ban that is more problematic then Mei.

I was D1 most of the last season and master at the end.
This season I am in master. :grinning:

And last season I saw Mei quite a lot. Less after 1st nerf.
Didnt see her after last nerf.

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In addition you can add her 13 aoe and you have great wave clear and aoe presence against melees.

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She’s still seem as a popular pick in masters though.

Can be, I played only 20 or 25 games this season though.
Didnt seen her picked once.

She’s 5th most played tank, and still has a decent ban rate a smaller chunk but still.

Though personally i don’t find her much of a problem but avalanche is kinda understable then yet again.

Haymaker is also consider a choice for the meta build the koreans are going for.

Its honestly surprises me that people complain about her win Garrosh still hasn’t had his ban rate dropped for the last 3 years to a point where his pick rate was higher.

She is obnoxious and has a lot of health, but isn’t really that threatening 1v1 without the health restore and auto attack slow talent, at which point you actually become capable of doing something by yourself and twice as annoying.

different people find different heroes enjoyable.

I loved playing Murky before his pre-current-rework, he just “clicked” in my brain.
I still like him, but i sometimes feel bored with current Murky.

Meanwhile, I find playing Kael’thas boring.
I love playing Stitches
Raynor and Johanna feel like chores to play to me.
I love Lunara.

People will disagree on how much they like to play these heroes. And that is okay!


How do you make her hard to kill? Even when I don’t play her it seems she is easily chain AoE’d to death. What are they go to talents for this hero?